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Consumer Energy Alliance Commends Construction Of New Solar Electricity System For Fuel Storage at Denver International Airport

HOUSTON September 3, 2009   Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) commended Denver International Airport’s plans to construct a photovoltaic solar electricity system to power its fuel-storage and fuel-distribution facility, as well as the Denver Fuel Committees’ decision to use this new solar facility as its source of energy.

“As a representative of energy consumers and end-users across the nation significantly impacted by volatile energy prices, we fully support the utilization of all energy resources to help meet demand. CEA feels that efforts by Denver International Airport and the Denver Fuel Committee to diversify their energy resources illustrates the innovative, proactive steps that private industry is taking on its own to minimize its environmental impact, without the need for financially punitive measures,” said CEA President David Holt.

“We have been working diligently with our members, other stakeholders and federal, state and local policymakers to advance solutions that will create a more sustainable and renewable energy environment while building a bridge from a traditional energy present to an alternative energy future,” added Holt.

CEA is a non-profit, non-partisan energy consumer group that has long advocated a national energy policy that focuses on creating a diverse portfolio of energy supplies, from wind to solar to biofuels to petroleum and clean-burning natural gas.

With more than 120 affiliated organizations and thousands of consumer-advocates, CEA’s mission is to expand the dialogue between the consuming and energy sectors to improve overall understanding of energy security and the thoughtful development and utilization of energy resources to help create sound energy policy and maintain stable energy prices for consumers.

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