CEA Newsletter
Issue 30
Message from CEA President David Holt
Consumer Energy Alliance continues to work toward a national energy policy that fully leverages America’s abundant offshore energy resources into new jobs, revenue and security for American energy consumers.
As part of this effort, CEA is proud to announce a new nationwide educational campaign – Secure Our Fuels, which highlights the damaging economic effects associated with the national Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) currently being considered by Congress. For more information on the Secure Our Fuels campaign, click here.
Though it is important to continue expansion of alternative energy resources through greater development of wind, solar, nuclear and other renewables, responsible access to America’s abundant oil and natural gas resources must be maintained to ensure stable sources of traditional energy to meet American needs. Affordable and secure energy resources are vital to the recovery of the national economy and its future growth.
Currently, the federal government is accepting comments from the public regarding another campaign and access to America’s offshore areas for development of oil and natural gas resources. CEA recognizes the necessity of reasonable and responsible access to these offshore areas, which will stimulate economic growth, create new jobs for Americans and provide much-needed revenue to states and the federal government.
Consumer Energy Alliance, made possible through the hard work and dedication of our affiliate members and individual consumers like you, stands strong in our support of offshore oil & gas drilling, as well as offshore alternative energy development.
To join our efforts and show your support of sensible energy production off of American coasts, please share your views with the Administration by submitting a comment (click here to send in a letter). The deadline to have your voice heard in this important discussion is September 21, 2009.
David Holt
Final deadline fast approaching – Support the Five-Year Plan Draft Proposed Program to Develop Offshore Oil & Gas Resources! Act by September 21!
A significant domestic supply of energy can be safely and efficiently found right here off of America’s shores. The federal government administers the considerable energy resources contained in our offshore waters and wants to hear from you about offshore oil & gas and alternative energy development.
Opposition to offshore energy development is mounting. We need you to let Washington know you support reasonable access to America’s offshore energy resources. Send in your comments today!
Support Development of Alaska’s Offshore Oil & Gas Resources!
At a time when the American public is crying out for more domestic energy, Alaska has enormous untapped oil and gas potential, especially in its offshore areas. The waters off Alaska’s coasts hold about 27 billion barrels of oil and 132 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, according to federal government estimates.
To begin producing energy from these resource basins, the federal government must take action. Join us in our effort as we build public support for offshore minerals exploration and development in Alaska. Send in your comments today!
CEA Blog: Talk about thinking outside the box, check out Chevron’s latest project
Check out CEA’s recent blog entry about Chevron Corp.’s new project to use solar power to produce oil at a field in California. Join the conversation at CEA’s website. Read blog…
Consumer Corner: Saving Energy at Your Workplace
Did you know that about half of American energy use occurs at workplaces, schools, entertainment venues and shopping malls? If we are mindful of utilizing energy conservatively in these locations, as well as our homes, we can save energy and reduce unnecessary expenditures.
To cut energy use and costs in the workplace, try these tips from Energy Star, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency program that promotes energy efficiency:
- Unplug devices that aren’t being used
- Replace traditional light bulbs with long-lasting energy efficient bulbs
- Turn off lights before you leave
- Don’t block air vents with papers and office supplies
- Create an office team to promote energy efficiency
- Encourage your coworkers to unplug, turn off and unblock!
Check out more energy-saving tips that can be applied at the office at the Energy Star for the Workplace website.
Airlines to Use Renewable Synthetic Diesel Fuel for LAX Ground Equipment
Beginning in late 2012, eight airlines will begin fueling ground service equipment at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) with renewable synthetic diesel fuel, known as RenDiesel, as part of recent agreement with the fuel’s manufacturer.
Offshore Lease Sales for Oil and Gas Generate $115 Million in the Gulf of Mexico; Utah Onshore Lease Sales Generate $1.1 Million
The U.S. Department of the Interior recently announced millions of dollars in additional federal revenue generated by offshore and onshore lease sales, bringing the year-to-date total to more than $875 million. Read article…
CEA Launches New Campaign to Educate, Engage Public in Opposing Increased Energy Costs, Expanded Reliance on Energy from Unstable Regions
This month, CEA launched a nation-wide educational campaign that highlights the damaging economic effects associated with a national Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), which is being considered in Congress and currently enjoys the full support of the White House.
Throughout this campaign, CEA will work to mobilize its members to educate and engage the public, the press and state and federal elected officials about the devastating impact an LCFS would have on American consumers, our economy and our security.
Michael Whatley, vice president of CEA and a leading LCFS expert, said, “A Low Carbon Fuel Standard would be a major blow to America’s energy security. In short, the energy we import daily from friendly nations like Canada would essentially be prohibited from crossing our border. Canadian crude represents a critical component of the North American energy portfolio and an important source of energy our nation relies on to run its economy.”
Whatley added, “If these abundant resources were cut off, our dependence on unstable regions of the world would skyrocket and so would the price American consumers pay at the pump. This campaign seeks to alert the American public of the implications of this policy and enlist their support in ensuring it does not come to pass.”
Most Americans might not know what an LCFS is, what it stands for, or even that its stated goal – reducing the carbon content of fuel – isn’t the true intent of the policy. Unfortunately, that’s precisely how advocates of a nationwide fuels mandate want it to remain, hoping to use the pending climate bill to advance a policy that will kill American jobs, expand our foreign energy dependence and discriminate against secure supplies of energy available in our hemisphere.
Throughout this campaign, CEA will work with and engage its regional affiliates to ensure that working families, small businesses, organized labor and every American consumer understands the threat posed by an LCFS.
Visit SecureOurFuels.org to learn more about how an LCFS will increase energy costs for American consumers and our dependence on foreign, unstable regions of the world to fuel our economy.
Affiliate Spotlight: Apache Corporation
Established in 1954, Apache Corporation explores for and develops oil and gas in the United States, Canada, the North Sea, Egypt, Australia and Argentina.
“Development of the nation’s energy resources in an environmentally responsible manner is a win-win: For consumers, domestic production provides reliable supplies at affordable prices, reduces the nation’s reliance on imported oil and generates tax revenues for many communities. For producers, domestic operations provide good jobs for our employees and investment returns for our shareholders,” says Director of Governmental Affairs and Corporate Outreach Obie O’Brien.
Apache’s mission has been to build a profitable, upstream independent oil and gas company for the long-term benefit of its shareholders, employees and constituents. Although Apache’s operations reach around the globe, its headquarters is in Houston, Texas, with a historical base in the United States, including significant operations in the Gulf of Mexico, the Anadarko Basin of western Oklahoma and the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico.
Educating consumers and policy makers regarding the importance of development of American energy sources is a top priority at Apache, according to O’Brien.
“We want the American people – and especially our elected leaders – to understand the positive benefits that flow from a strong domestic oil and gas industry and development of our nation’s resources,” he emphasizes.
“Even with development of alternative energy sources, the nation will need fossil fuels for decades to come. Restricting responsible development in known oil and gas basins or discouraging investment through misguided tax and environmental policies will increase oil imports, reduce jobs and diminish the nation’s economic well-being.”
As a member of Consumer Energy Alliance, Apache Corporation participates in a national dialogue between the consumers and producers of energy, as well as policy makers.
“This conversation is vital if the nation is going to achieve a greater understanding of the nation’s energy challenge,” O’Brien notes. “People who use energy can provide a ‘Main Street’ perspective on issues such as responsible access to natural resources; the impact of energy prices on business, agriculture and consumers; and the most effective ways to transition to a lower-carbon economy that utilizes renewable energy sources and encourages energy efficiency and conservation.”
For more information on Apache Corporation, visit ApacheCorp.com.