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One single industry: Many ways to create jobs (a recap)

This past Monday marked yet another downbeat Labor Day, with too many people who ought to have been taking a break from work, lacking work altogether. This week there are new signs that Washington is finally looking at the nation’s unemployment problem for what it is: a serious crisis in need of immediate attention.

This renewed focus on job creation is overdue, and we welcome any sound ideas that President Obama and other lawmakers have to offer. We also need to note that while the jobs crisis has been persistent, job creation does not always have to be a perplexing puzzle. Right now, the oil and gas industry has the ability to create tens of thousands of well-paying jobs, if only Washington would get out of the way. We’ve noted several times before on this blog that restrictive drilling policies in the Gulf of Mexico have damaged not just the local economy, but have cost jobs around the country. Now, as lawmakers take a closer look at ways to create jobs, we offer a recap of some of the best job-creating strategies that we’ve highlighted on this blog in the past.


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