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Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Great Lakes Maritime Task Force

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Great Lakes Maritime Task Force (GLMTF) as its newest affiliate member.

GLMTF is the principal advocate for domestic and international shipping in the Great Lakes. Representing the Great Lakes shipping community, its members include U.S.-flag vessel operators, shipboard and longshore unions, port authorities, cargo shippers, terminal operators, and shipyards.  Infrastructure development and access to affordable energy supplies are vital for the expansion of maritime trade on the Great Lakes.

“We are pleased to partner with CEA to help chart America’s energy course for the future,” said John D. Baker, President of GLMTF in 2015. “Coal is one of the top commodities moving on the Lakes and waterborne commerce is the most environmentally sound way to move that coal to powerplants and industrial users.”

“CEA recognizes the importance of Great Lakes shipping in the transportation of fuel and raw materials necessary for the expansion of American manufacturing,” said Chris Ventura, Executive Director of CEA – Midwest. “We look forward to working with the Great Lakes Maritime Task Force to promote the growth of waterborne commerce, fueling job creation and reinvigorating the economy of the Great Lakes region.”

For more information on Great Lakes Maritime Task Force, visit their website.

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833,

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