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CEA Statement on Renewable Fuel Standard Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt, released the following statement after a Capitol Hill press conference that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz held today as workers rallied for their jobs and Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) reform:

“Consumer Energy Alliance believes that it is time for Congress to take up legislation that will provide comprehensive reforms to the RFS program. The systemic problems that we see with the RFS arise out of faulty assumptions that Congress made when they expanded the program in 2007.  With the benefit of time, Congress now has a clearer understanding of the flaws in the program, and it is time for Congress to reform and fix the RFS.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

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