Reading. You either love it or you hate it. Maybe you read all day for work, so by the time you get home you just want to relax. Maybe it’s the first thing you do when you get home. If you ride the train, take a bus, or have a long commute sometimes it’s just nice to sit and listen to something. No matter what you prefer, this week we’re calling out to all of the audiobook and podcast nerds.
So to all you commuters, hikers, and non-readers, we dug through the list of Player FM’s Top Energy Podcasts (for Android users) (for iPhone users) to share some of our must listen to podcasts. These will keep you up on all the current energy, conservation and efficiency issues and trends; without having to sit down and read.
Energy Gang
This podcast is a great mix of banter and information. The hosts are well informed on the subjects they discuss, but speak on a level for energy policy newbies to understand. This weekly show keeps listeners up to date on energy, cleantech, renewables, and the environment.
The Freeing Energy Podcast
A spinoff of the The Freeing Energy Project, by author Bill Nussey, The Freeing Energy Podcast hones in on the shift from fossil fuels to clean energy. The shift will be a long process, and a disruptive one. The series is broken into categories, and calls on experts to help consumers grasp these changes.
Capitol Crude – The U.S. Oil Policy Podcast
S & P Global houses this in-depth podcast. This series stays up to date on the latest oil policy news, coming straight from the capitol. This one is definitely for the news buffs, so if you’re looking to learn, this may not be your favorite playlist.
Energy Cast
The tongue in cheek “finally… an energy podcast about energy” description suits this program perfectly. The creator has a background in both media and energy (across sectors), and puts them both to solid use. If you’re looking for an unbiased report on energy use, this might be your jam.
Columbia Energy Exchange
This weekly podcast, brought to you by The Center of Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, showcases top energy and climate leaders. Each show features one of these leaders in the academia, business, community, and government sectors. The program follows both opportunities and challenges in the energy arena, and their implications, both in the U.S. and globally.