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After 12+ Years, Regulatory Certainty Needed for Keystone XL Pipeline and Future Infrastructure Projects

Pipeline construction with welder

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Administration’s Request to U.S. Supreme Court to Revive Permit Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds the Trump Administration’s decision to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to lift a federal judge’s ruling that excluded pipelines from a streamlined Army Corps of Engineers permit commonly used for utility infrastructure such as broadband, and electric and sewer lines that must cross streams and adjacent wetlands.

CEA’s President and CEO David Holt said:

“On behalf of working families, seniors, small businesses and farmers across nation, we thank the Administration for asking the Supreme Court to reinstate the Army Corp’s Nationwide Permit 12 Program while the case moves through federal court. This has been a non-controversial permit used thousands of times that suddenly cannot be used for interstate pipelines because of one activist federal judge’s decision.”

“The court’s decision resulted from yet another activist-led attempt to twist our thorough regulatory process into a hall of mirrors with no exit, and the Administration is right to ask for common sense and progress to prevail while the case is litigated.”

“Given our nation develops energy infrastructure safely and in the most environmentally friendly way possible, it shouldn’t take a pipeline more than a decade to gain approvals. One thing is for sure: Keystone XL has gone through 12 years of permitting reviews – and into the annals of absurd bureaucratic limbo.”

“We need a clear and certain regulatory framework for our country’s energy infrastructure, because pipelines play a critical role in fueling our lives, powering our homes, advancing our economy, and helping improve our environment.”

“We’ve had over a dozen years to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts of the Keystone XL project. In fact, this vital infrastructure project was estimated by President Obama’s State Department to generate significant economic growth – $3.4 billion or roughly 0.2% of GDP – and 42,100 jobs with no significant or harmful environmental impacts.”

“As we revive America’s communities and economy from the COVID-19 crisis, policymakers, regulators, and leaders must continue to come together in support our nation’s homegrown energy production, supply chains and energy infrastructure to ensure our economy continues to recover and hard-working families and small businesses can keep enjoying the benefits that stable, affordable energy brings to our lives.”

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