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CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – September 4

This Labor Day holiday, Americans are taking road trips, hosting barbecues, taking advantage of big sales or preparing for their upcoming Fantasy Football drafts. Regardless of your holiday plans to close out the summer, we’ve all been preparing for this much-needed long weekend! Along the way this week, we’ve witnessed some amazing, strange and downright crazy stories: Tiger King’s Carole Baskin is heading to ‘Dancing with the Stars, ’ Lady Gaga wore some elaborate masks at the VMAs, and someone with a jet pack was soaring above Los Angeles International Airport.

Though these stories and more kept us on the edge of our seats, we wanted to bring you our favorite energy headlines this week. In case you missed last week’s, check them out here.


U.S. gasoline prices heading into Labor Day weekend are the lowest since 2004

The U.S. average regular gasoline retail price as of the Monday before Labor Day weekend is $2.22 per gallon (gal) this year, the lowest level for this time of year since 2004. The Energy Information Administration weekly gasoline price series explained how U.S. gasoline prices are relatively low because of continued low demand for gasoline since mid-March, when travel demand fell because of efforts to limit the spread of coronavirus.


World’s largest-for now-battery storage project online in California

A battery energy storage project in California is set to be the world’s largest in terms of generation capacity when the facility is fully energized later in September. Power magazine details how this installation is the latest in a series of large battery energy storage projects in California.

Orlando Airport tried out floating solar panels

Orlando International Airport is trying out photovoltaic panels that would cover less than a third of a football field. Aviation Pros highlights how this foray into solar energy will put out enough power for about 14 homes at a cost of $520,000.

Banana skins and manure are helping to power homes

Since the African country of Uganda produces everything from bananas and coffee to tea and cocoa, researchers are focused on how the crops that are used for food and the waste that the farmers generate can be turned into energy. CNBC reports on how a growing population in Uganda is creating more demand for energy and innovation.

Solar-powered robots, oil-absorbing wood chips and more

Recent accidents in Russia and Mauritius have highlighted the need for improved oil spill cleanup solutions. The Wall Street Journal reports on how researchers and small companies have developed new innovations in this area, including reusable sponges, solar-powered robots, oil-absorbing wood chips and more.

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