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Testimony by Dave Harbour, Air Quality Permit Proposal for Chukchi Sea, AK, Sept. 25, 2009

Dave Harbour, Executive Director of CEA-Alaska, submitted this testimony regarding an air quality permit proposed for Shell Gulf of Mexico, Inc., to operate the Frontier Discoverer Drillship in the Chukchi Sea, Alaska.

Good morning, Mr. Rockwell and Mr. Albright, and welcome to America’s largest state, ground zero for America’s most important storehouse of natural resource wealth.

I am Dave Harbour, a retired Alaska regulatory commissioner[1].  I publish an energy website and serve as a volunteer member of the Consumer Energy Alliance Board of Advisors[2].   I am a grandfather who will walk through fire to protect my children’s and their children’s futures.  I urge you to help protect the economic and environmental wellbeing of our children by expeditiously approving Shell’s request for a Clean Air Act permit, allowing the company to operate the Frontier Discoverer drillship and its fleet for a multi-year exploratory oil and gas drilling program in areas where it has obtained and paid the Federal government for leases.

In beginning I wanted to express appreciation for the logical and fair course Mr. Albright set when, in answer to my question a few moments ago, he said that, “Just because we make changes in the permit requirements based on information gained during this comment period doesn’t mean we will have another comment period.”

As a former regulator, I sympathize with your desire to make sure the public interest is served and believe that extending this comment period or creating a new one would raise serious ‘due process’ questions.  We all had the same opportunity to comment.  At some point, for all potential commenters the deadline comes and goes and we either have or have not responsibly responded.  It would be unfair to those who timely responded to learn that we might have had more time to prepare our testimony.

But moving to the substance of my comment to you I would offer several ways I perceive that you are or could serve the public interest with respect to this docket.

One way to serve the public interest is to properly implement regulations in accordance with prevailing law.  Another way to serve the public interest is to reasonably and timely interpret regulation requirements and permit application information.  A third way to serve the public interest is to be mindful throughout the process that consumers end up paying many fold for regulations: 1) through taxes funding your operations;  2) through the price of products reflecting cost of the regulatory processes; 3) through lost state and federal revenues that may result from stalled projects; 4) through tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of American jobs and employment taxation and economic strength that stalled projects could produce; 5) through the increased dependence on foreign energy imports that stalled projects produce, along with 6) associated, harmful impacts on our balance of trade deficit and weakened state of national security.

So, you see, you have a very great responsibility.  In fact, your decisions, combined with decisions of sister agencies could well affect the prosperity if not the survival of the United States of America.

I have read virtually all of the documents in your file, including Shell’s exhaustive filings and your repeated rejections.  I would like to have you look at your rejections with me through the eye glasses of a grand dad consumer.  You rejected the permit application last January 16 in part:

There are several score if not hundreds of requirements in rejection after rejection.  I submit to you that most normal Americans would read your many, many, many seemingly picky reasons for rejection and say to you in a big voice, “Can you possibly be serious?”

One asks, “Isn’t this entire process discriminating, picky, harassing and endangering our country’s national defense and economic survival?”

Today you are seeking comment on Shell’s Air Quality Permit Application for the Chukchi operations of the Frontier Discoverer and I am sure you are getting plenty of support for delay from certain anti-domestic energy advocates.   But I would ask any member of the public who hears me to consider the cumulative effect of what you and your comrades in other departments are accomplishing:

…this time ringing verbal alarm bells against the harm to America being made by the combined weight of these and other Administration initiatives.

Now, listen.  We’re living in a dangerous world.  I hope that you begin to combine your sense of honest obligation to your process—if that is what it is—to a realistic concern for the health of your country.

Please let me caution you that those combined actions, as harmful as they are to the country, are especially damaging to Alaska.

Mr. Rockwell, I don’t mean to be harsh with you personally.  You, Mr. Albright and your colleagues are very nice and dedicated people.  I do want strong laws and regulations to protect our environment, like most every Alaskan.  And as a former regulator I want the rules properly enforced.  But I also hope that the elected and appointed officials that create and execute the rules do a better job recalling for whom they work.  I adopted a slogan as a regulator which I would recommend you consider for your own use: “Regulate where you must; deregulate where you can.”

The American people are struggling because the economy is weak.  Your actions look petty and dangerous: making America weaker, month by month, with every spurious, nitpicking rejection.

I urge you, in the public interest, to issue Shell’s Chukchi air quality permits without further delay.  If you do not and if Shell’s multi-billion dollar investment in this state—in this country–is lost, you have not only endangered America but you have sentenced the 49th state to losing up to 35,000 jobs per year[4] and to poverty, absent a miracle.  I am sure that is not what you want.



[3]$FILE/shell_chukchi_epa_letter1_att_a.pdf, p.6


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