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Pipelines Can Provide a Path to Good-paying Jobs

Laborers working on pipeline

While testifying before Congress, LiUNA’s General President Terry O’Sullivan discusses the importance of energy infrastructure jobs to families across the nation.

In February, a congressional subcommittee held a hearing on challenges and opportunities to promoting energy infrastructure projects. Members made statements, witnesses gave testimony and the value of new infrastructure was debated.

In response to questioning on the value of energy infrastructure, a witness responded: “The wages and compensation packages that our members receive while working on these projects underpin not only their ability to keep a roof over their families’ heads and food on the table, but they also provide for private healthcare coverage and the ability of members to earn credits toward a defined benefit pension plan.”

The energy infrastructure projects driving these comments? Pipelines. The witness making this statement? The general president of a major labor trade union.

Read more – The Hill

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