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It’s Time to Innovate Solar for All of Utah!

Family at shopping mall

Utah families and businesses are thriving because we make pro-business decisions that are innovative – and it’s time to do it again!

The Utah Public Service Commission is working with electric companies and solar providers on a new approach to install more solar and build a better grid. This proposal will keep our electricity costs low, our bills fair, and allow solar to power more homes and businesses.

We need your help!

Show your support for families and businesses – tell the Public Service Commission that you want an innovative solar policy that will increase solar usage for everyone in Utah.

Dear Commissioners:

Our state’s families, small businesses, community centers, libraries, and schools thrive due to the state’s innovative, pro-business policies and inexpensive energy. When problems come up, we innovate and find a solution that works for everyone – which is why I support PacifiCorp’s proposal.

Solar energy is an important part of our state’s electricity future, and we need to find the most innovative way to incorporate it into our grid so that both solar energy and the grid are set up for long-term success in the decades to come. If this occurs, Utah’s families and businesses win. This new proposal seems to be a balanced approach to integrating solar into our state’s energy plan while allowing everyone who lives here to see the clean, renewable benefits it brings.

Again, I encourage you to support PacifiCorp’s proposal because it promotes more solar power, keeps the electric grid strong, and gives families, small businesses, and communities’ access to the affordable electricity rates that they depend on.


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