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Consumer Group Applauds Decision to Re-Introduce Bill that Would Set Rates for Residential Solar

Residential Solar Installation

Louisville, KY – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading consumer energy advocate, released the following statement after the introduction of Senate Bill 100, which, similar to past legislation, would put the onus on the state’s independent Public Utility Commission to set rates for rooftop solar owners and the power they put back onto the grid.

“As the voice of the energy consumer, CEA has long advocated for pro-solar, pro-grid and pro-consumer policies that will ensure the long-term viability and growth of solar deployment while ensuring our electric systems and costs are properly maintained,” said Brydon Ross, CEA’s Vice President for State Affairs.

“We are pleased to see that Senator Brandon Smith has introduced SB 100, which takes some common-sense steps to update Kentucky’s private solar incentives and provides protections for existing solar customers by grandfathering them in for 25 years. The bill would also expand the size of eligible systems to participate in the program by 50 percent.

Ross added, “Kentucky’s solar incentives were first put in place 15 years ago. Since then, installation costs across the country for solar have fallen by more than 70 percent and the use of distributed solar systems has increased thanks to dramatic technology advances. Having the Public Service Commission, a non-partisan regulator, examine how incentives for future customers should be structured is a smart way to ensure that our programs can keep pace with the dynamic changes in the market so we can continue to help grow solar across the entire Commonwealth.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading consumer advocate for energy, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households and businesses across the country. CEA works daily to encourage people across the nation to seek sensible, realistic and environmentally responsible solutions to meeting our energy needs.

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

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