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Line 5 is the Wrong Villain in Michigan, Let the Tunnel Project Move Forward

Pipeline construction with welder

Continued outrage from extreme anti-energy activists causes unsafe delay at the cost of taxpayers. The Line 5 project was deemed constitutional, and voters support the project; however, the loud rhetoric from radicals keep putting the project back in court. Delays like this are an important look at why NEPA needs modernization. Chris Ventura, CEA Midwest Director explains exactly how unsafe delays on the Line 5 project are:

“The new pipeline will prove better for the environment because stopping it would require alternate transportation of the fuel, which in turn would increase pollution and spill risks, since pipelines are safer than 99% of all other transportation modes, according to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Additionally, halting the project would hike energy bills, disrupt critical energy supplies and damage the state’s economy by costing high-paying union construction jobs.”

Read more – Lansing State Journal

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