Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – June 12

This week, some U.S. states have seen an uptick in COVID-19 cases, though experts aren’t exactly sure why. They believe it could be attributed to lifting lockdown restrictions, isolated outbreaks and the virus showing up in communities previously not impacted. Meanwhile, the pandemic is changing the summer schedule for movies and TV because of both filming and scheduling, but thankfully, Los Angeles is ready to resume TV and film production. Which let’s be honest, most people are in need of something new to watch.

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And while the NCAA is set to vote on a plan for the 2020 college football season, two more Florida theme parks, SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, opened Thursday with masks and temperature check requirements. If you’re tired of hearing about COVID and looking for something fun and different, here are some of our favorite energy headlines to help you start your weekend off, and if you missed our roundup last week, you can check them out here.

This week’s energy news

A ‘million mile’ battery could power your electric car that lasts 16 years.

A new ‘million mile’ battery power pack being produced in China claims it will last 16 years and 1.24 million miles. Since warranties on batteries currently used in electric cars cover about 150,000 miles or eight years, extending the lifespan meaning one of these batteries could be used in a second vehicle. Bloomberg reports on this new development.

Humidity. Known for feeling hot and sticky, dewy skin and curly hair could now be a new source of carbon-free energy.

Scientists are studying how humid air could be a new prime source of carbon-free energy by discovering how certain metals can build up an electric charge from humid air. E&E News breaks down how this is a step forward for developing a battery that works off of relative humidity.

We are loving this self-sufficient tiny home on wheels that can be towed anywhere!

A new self-sufficient Urban Tiny home on wheels was recently unveiled and it’s powered by its own battery system, solar panels and inverter! While it can also be connected to generator power points, the 7,363-pound tiny home sits on a trailer that can be towed anywhere you can dream of going. Business Insider shares the details on this new tiny living.

Technology helps to turn everyday glass into a solar cell.

Researchers have developed technology that uses transparent solar cells which absorb only the ultraviolet and infrared light and convert it into electricity. This technology aims to turn almost any everyday glass surfaces into solar cells. Inceptive Mind shares how this glass could be used for windshields, car windows and even for smartphone screens in the future.

U.S. Department of Energy wants help with innovation ideas to help U.S. technological superiority in A.I.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is looking for input from artificial intelligence researchers on how to design a series of open competitions that spur innovation and bolster U.S. technological superiority in A.I. Bloomberg Government has the details on how DOE is exploring launching one or more Grand Challenges.

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