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Everyday Work, Extraordinary Times: How Utility Companies Are Working to Help You During COVID-19

Electrician Repairing Line

Continuing our series on everyday work in extraordinary times, we wanted to really home in on more examples of utility companies that are working hard to ensure that consumer bills remain affordable in these seemingly dire times.

As it stands, the power demands on our grid are changing from traditional patterns and usage. More of us are working from home rather than our office or workspace. We are shifting energy usage that is typically absorbed by our companies to our homes, which means we’ll see higher utility bills. As a matter of fact, reports from the UK say consumers will likely spend an additional 52 million pounds ($64 million) each week.

Thankfully, around the U.S., utility companies are working hard and taking significant steps to make sure that those prices will remain low, and are staying sensitive to the needs of their customers who have been hit by the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most companies have suspended service shutoffs, and even more are working with individual customers to ensure payment plans are in place and work for everyone involved. Here are some more great efforts these businesses are working on:

Thank you to our utility workers across the country for your dedication to keeping our lights on, providing power at hospitals and grocery stores, and most importantly, putting yourselves in harm’s way to keep our spirits powered through these trying times. We support you, and the joint effort of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) to ensure you’re deemed essential workers.

To find out what your local utility company is doing, click here.

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