Fill ‘er up Now! Gas Prices Are Climbing As Memorial Day Weekend Approaches

Putting gas in car

CEA Florida’s Kevin Doyle was interviewed about Memorial Day gas prices.

Gasoline is more expensive today than it has been all year, but the cost at the pump this Memorial Day weekend will still be the lowest it has been over the summer kickoff holiday in 11 years. On Wednesday, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas in Tampa was $2.13, according to, up about 2 cents from last week and 15 cents from last month.

Read more – Tampa Bay Times

Pipelines Are the Way to Go — Economically and Environmentally

CEA’s Michael Whatley discussed the importance of pipelines for an environmentally sound energy policy in the Washington Examiner.

Thanks to America’s ongoing energy revolution, oil isn’t the only source of energy that’s selling at bottom-of-the-barrel prices. Natural gas is too – and it’s saving consumers some big bucks. A recent study by IHS Economic, commissioned by the National Association of Manufacturers, says that record-sized increases in U.S. shale gas production and its accompanying lower natural gas prices in 2015 contributed $156 billion to real disposable income — which means the average American family had an extra $1,337 in disposable income.

Read more – Washington Examiner

EPA’s New Methane Rules Are Not Needed, Natural Gas Industry Leaders Say

CEA’s Brydon Ross was interviewed by The Exponent Telegram regarding the EPA’s proposed methane rule and how it wall harm family-owned producers.

“This will have the biggest impact on smaller producers,” he said. “For marginal wells, if all of the sudden they have to add tens of thousands of dollars worth of new equipment to measure methane emissions, it would be impractical to keep them operating.”

Read more – The Exponent Telegram

JJHS Student Earns Gold Medal at International Science Competition

As an advocate of STEM education, Consumer Energy Alliance routinely recognizes and rewards students from elementary school through high school to encourage their commitment to these fields.

John Jay High School senior Zury Cutler earned a gold medal in the energy category at the 2016 International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering and Environment) Project competition in Houston, Texas.

Read more – Lewisboro Ledger

Murkowski Slams Attention given to Anti-Arctic Drilling Activists

Drilling Rig in Homer Alaska

Sen. Lisa Murkowski cited one of Consumer Energy Alliance’s polls on Arctic energy exploration during a recent hearing on Capitol Hill.

Nevertheless, Murkowski argued several times in the hearing that the state of Alaskans’ opinion on offshore drilling is solidly favorable. She cited a 2014 poll by the pro-drilling group Consumer Energy Alliance that found 73 percent of Alaskans support Arctic drilling.

Read more – Alaska Dispatch News

‘Keep It In The Ground’ Won’t Save The Environment – Or Your Budget

CEA’s David Holt was recently featured in the Daily Caller where he spoke about how America’s energy renaissance is providing families with more disposable income.

Most of us paid a lot less in utility costs to keep warm this past winter than we had in previous years. We also drove more miles than ever – also for a lot less – courtesy of bottom-of-the-barrel fuel prices. Both are shining examples of how America’s once-in-a-generation energy revolution – the byproduct of American innovation and resources, remarkable improvements in technologies and techniques, and record-sized increases in oil and natural gas production – has made many of life’s necessities markedly more affordable while reducing pollution and carbon dioxide emissions.

Read more – The Daily Caller

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Manufacture Alabama

Montgomery Alabama

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Manufacture Alabama as its newest affiliate member.

Manufacture Alabama is the only trade association in Alabama dedicated exclusively to the competitive, legislative, regulatory and operational interests and needs of manufacturers and their partner industries and businesses.  It represents hundreds of companies in a wide range of industries that are vital parts of a manufacturing base crucial to Alabama’s economy and job base, from some of the nation’s largest, most recognized corporations to mid-sized or small family-owned manufacturers or manufacturing suppliers and vendors.

“Reliable and affordable energy is the lifeblood of manufacturing and is necessary to keep companies in business and the economy running,” said George Clark, Manufacture Alabama President.  “We are pleased to join CEA’s efforts to secure access to reliable, affordable supplies of energy for citizens and businesses here in Alabama and across the country.”

“Manufacture Alabama has been a key voice in efforts to promote a rational, responsible energy dialogue and advance solutions on how we can best meet the nation’s energy needs,” said CEA President David Holt. “We are delighted to welcome them onboard as CEA’s newest affiliate, and look forward to working together to promote common-sense energy policies that will help ensure a robust manufacturing sector.”

For more information on Manufacture Alabama, visit their website at

CEA, Pipeline Infrastructure Group Create Reciprocal Membership

Recently, CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler and Washington County Chamber of Commerce President Jeff Kotula announced each organization’s support of developing Pennsylvania’s pipeline infrastructure.

Consumer Energy Alliance, the national voice for energy consumers, and Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance, a broad-based coalition of labor, agriculture, manufacturing and other business interests that support private investment in pipeline and other energy infrastructure developments, Tuesday announced a reciprocal membership to build support for developing Pennsylvania’s pipeline infrastructure.

Read more – Observer-Reporter

Despite Protest, Gulf Drilling Has Broad Support

Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico

CEA’s David Holt discusses the importance of offshore energy exploration in The Times-Picayune.

Poll after poll show that significant majorities within each of the proposed leasing regions strongly support the safe, responsible development of all energy resources – including offshore oil and gas development. In fact, one poll reveals that few believe the feds “are doing enough to encourage such activity.”

Read more – The Times-Picayune

‘Keep it in the Ground’: Not the Energy Plan We Need

American oil refinery

CEA President David Holt was featured in RealClear Energy discussing how consumers have benefited from American energy production.

America’s energy revolution has resulted in record-low oil and gas prices, which have allowed us to keep warm for less, use energy-intensive electronics like smartphones, drive more than ever, and better provide for our families. For many, the pleasantries of everyday life are made better with abundant, safe, and affordable energy. For others, reliable and inexpensive energy ensures shelter, food, clothing, and the ability to make a better life. If you’re an energy consumer – and if you’re reading this, you are – your life has been made better by America’s energy revolution. Unfortunately, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), this could all change.

Read more – RealClear Energy