PfA Mid-Continent

Well pad in winter

Shale Gas News With David Holt

David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, sat down with Shale Gas News to talk about Marcellus development and the consumer savings that could be...
Aerial view of traffic on a highway in LA

So What’s Your Solution for Suburban Sprawl?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asserts that suburbanites consume more energy than the higher populated inner cities. Suburbanites must use their automobiles to commute...
Mother preparing healthy food lunch boxes for children in kitchen

Green New Deal Would Cost American Consumers Almost $244 Billion – in JUST Four...

The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable...
New Orleans, Louisiana bridge over Mississippi

Voice Your Support for Louisiana Infrastructure Development

Our personal and national security depend on the ability to build pipelines in Louisiana, and your voice needs to be heard. American families and small...
Couple looking at tablet

An Essential Oil for Relaxing at Home

After a long day or even a long week, most of us like to head home, make or take out a good meal, before...
DAPL Protests

Professional Protesters Threaten Energy Infrastructure

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists sat down with David Holt to discuss CEA's latest report “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

New U.S. Pipelines to Drive Natural Gas Boom As Exports Surge

As new pipelines are being constructed across the country, areas from the Dakotas to the Mid-Ohio Valley will continue to see more investment and...
Production assembly line for manufacturing of engines

Pipeline Opposition Impacting Economic Development, Manufacturers Say

Manufacturers across the country depend on affordable, reliable natural gas to power their facilities and make products consumers use everyday. Manufacturing companies, which depend on...
Construction Workers Talking

Texas’ Permian Oil Field Sees Slowing Labor Market

Constraints on critical energy infrastructure, like pipelines, are not just preventing new investment in states like Texas, but they are also causing employment opportunities...
Offshore wind farm

From Wind Projects to Pipelines: Energy Policymakers Play Games With Funds

David Holt, Consumer Energy Alliance President, talked about the unnecessary politicization of energy policy which has stalled development of projects like Cape Wind, an...