CEA Southeast

The southeast is faced with new changes to the regions electricity generation portfolio mandated by federal rules and regulations, roadblocks to increased electricity generation from clean sources of power like nuclear, and opportunities in offshore wind and oil and natural gas exploration.  CEA Southeast wants to ensure the affordability and reliability of electricity and transportation fuels for all energy consumers.

Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

CEA Issues Statement on Denial of Pending Seismic Applications

North American Clean Energy covered CEA's statement on denial of permits to conduct needed scientific discovery off the Atlantic. BOEM cited potential environmental risks to marine...

Pipelines for America Campaign Launches to Educate Consumers About Energy Infrastructure

The Bristol Herald Courier covered the launch of the Pipelines for America campaign.  The Courier quoted both Brydon Ross and CEA Board Chairman Brett Vassey. "America's...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

Florida Lawmaker Fending Off Calls for Oil and Gas Drilling

CEA's Kevin Doyle discusses the importance of offshore energy exploration to Florida's continued economic growth. "A strong and growing constituency in Florida supports understanding how...
Gas station fuel pump octane

Florida Will Have Higher Gas Taxes Jan. 1

CEA's Kevin Doyle was interviewed on the impact Florida's increasing gasoline tax will have on energy consumers. Seven states will have higher gas taxes starting...

Renewable Energy Won’t Be Enough

CEA's Kevin Doyle discussed renewable energy in the Tallahassee Democrat and how it may impact energy consumers such as families and small businesses. Recent letters...
Pipeline construction with welder

Additional Pipelines Needed in Near Future to Meet Energy Needs

CEA Florida's Executive Director Kevin Doyle recently discussed the necessity of pipelines to meet our energy needs. It was reported, back in 2008, that Florida was...

NEBA Hears Batt at the September Meeting, November-December 2009

Click here to view coverage of CEA-Florida Executive Director Dave Batt at the September 2009 meeting of the Northeast Business Association.

PRO AND CON: Energy independence or slaves to Big Oil?

The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Destin Log newspaper and may be viewed...

Florida must drill to find its resources

The following op-ed from Bob Morrison, an individual supporter of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. April 8, 2010   Finally,...
Solar panel installation on roof

Solar Reduces Energy Costs

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle recently had an op-ed in the Miami Herald regarding CEA's solar incentive analysis. Solar energy is clean, reliable, increasingly affordable, and thanks to...