Regional Chapters

South Carolina Myrtle Beach

Tell Congress to Reverse Federal Regulations That Hurt South Carolina Small Businesses and Families!

Last year, the Obama administration released a methane rule that will negatively impact families and small businesses across the country, including right here in...
Phoenix Arizona

Tell Congress to Reverse Federal Regulations That Hurt Arizona Small Businesses and Families!

Last year, the Obama administration released a methane rule that will negatively impact families and small businesses across the country, including right here in...
pipeline staging yard

Hundreds Gather to Share Opinions on the Keystone XL Pipeline With State Leaders

CEA's Michael Whatley discussed the Keystone XL Pipeline and the impact of the pipeline in the context of job creation. It will create 55,000 jobs...
Solar panel installation on household

CEA Issues Statement on Signing of Pro-Solar Legislation by Governor Holcomb

COLUMBUS — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura today issued the following statement following Governor Holcomb's decision to sign Senate Bill...
Texas State Capitol building in downtown Austin USA

CEA Commends Southern Texas Town for Bringing Energy Jobs, Manufacturing to Texas

HOUSTON — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt released the following statement commending San Patricio County and the town of Portland, Texas for...
Cleveland Ohio in the evening

Tell Congress to Reverse Federal Regulations That Hurt Ohio Families and Small Businesses!

Last year, the Obama administration released a methane rule that would negatively impact families and small businesses across the country, including right here in...
Pipeline construction with welder

Officials Talk Energy Issues at Marietta College Forum

Consumer Energy Alliance's Ohio Valley Energy and Manufacturing forum, which discussed how businesses are responding and expanding due to increased pipeline infrastructure construction and...
Solar panel installation on roof

More Low-cost Energy Options Good for Florida Consumers

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle discussed the importance of proposed legislation allowing Floridians access to low cost energy. We commend Florida's electricity suppliers for proposing forward-thinking...
Pipeline welder

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Will Help N.C. Meet Its Energy Needs

Consumer Energy Alliance's Brydon Ross talked about the importance of pipeline construction to help keep energy prices affordable and encourage job growth in North...
Michigan Upper Peninsula in Winter

Enbridge’s Line 5 Pipeline Seen Key to Keeping Energy Prices Affordable in Michigan

CEA's Brydon Ross and Chris Ventura discussed the consumer benefits of pipelines in the context of energy affordability and environmental safety in the state...