In The Media

David Holt: If we don’t want it, others will benefit

David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted the following Op-Ed to Boston Globe on September 23, 2009. If we don’t want it, others will...

David Holt: Let’s Start with a Realistic Discussion

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...

CEA IN THE NEWS: Salazar-oil industry war escalates as Interior announces leasing changes

Consumer Energy Alliance was in the news on January 6, 2010, in The Hill: "Salazar-oil industry war escalates as Interior announces leasing changes" by...

Affordable energy needed for economic resurgence

Affordable energy needed for economic resurgence By DAVID HOLT HOUSTON CHRONICLE Jan. 20, 2011, 9:28PM So important was the matter of ensuring the U.S. government had ample and...

Group Seeks to Link Pipelines With Lower Consumer Costs

David Holt was interviewed for about how consumers are impacted by pipeline development after the recent launch of Pipelines for America by E&E News. A national...
American oil refinery

Natural Gas Scorecard Shows Ohio Needs Its Now More Than Ever

Chris Ventura, CEA's Midwest Executive Director examines how natural gas produced in Ohio has continued to help families and businesses save money on energy...
Man Flying American Flag

Natural Gas Helping PA Flourish

Darrin Kelly, president of the Allegheny/Fayette Central Labor Council, and Mike Butler, Mid-Atlantic director for the Consumer Energy Alliance, talk about the economic opportunities...
Young apprentice using pillar drill in steel fabrication factory

Offshore Drilling Would Benefit Georgia

CEA's Kevin Doyle looks at how Georgia could see up to $200 million in new tax revenues as a result of offshore energy access. But...

Perry Calls for Energy Infrastructure Build-out

Consumer Energy Alliance recently hosted Energy Secretary Perry at the Future of Electricity Forum. "Today's consumers have more choices, more information, more say on their...
Offshore wind farm

Utilize All Energy Sources

Kevin Doyle, Executive Director of CEA Florida, discusses the importance of utilizing all available domestic energy sources in order to achieve energy independence. We should...