Improve Methane Rules
CEA Southwest Executive Director Matthew Gonzales looks at how recent regulatory efforts will harm New Mexico families and businesses, without improving our shared environment.
Biden’s New EPA Rules Put NH Power Grid in Jeopardy, Experts Say
Consumer Energy Alliance's Marc Brown discusses how new the four new EPA rules targeting power plants will impact New England's power grid, and the...
EPA Finalizes New Vehicle Emission Rules to Mandate Electric Vehicles
Recently, the U.S. EPA unveiled emissions rules that will begin the banning of cars and trucks that use internal combustion engines. Looking at the...
Warmington Pledges All EVs and Electric Heat in NH by 2040
As we enter election season, CEA's Marc Brown looks at how misinformed energy policies can have a detrimental impact on the families and communities...
A Government Takeover of the Utility Will Cost San Diego Taxpayers
CEA's Matt Gonzales discusses the true costs for residents and taxpayers when cities look at taking over utility services.
The City of San Diego is...
Don’t Breeze by Such a Key Issue
CEA's Chris Ventura looks at the true cost of Minnesota's proposed Clean Transportation Standard and how families can expect to see their gas bills...
The Clean Transportation Bill’s Hidden Tax Hike
CEA Midwest's Chris Ventura looks at the consumer impact Minnesota's proposed Clean Transportation Standard will have on families and small businesses across the state.