All-of-the-Above Energy Policy a Must for Lower-Income Families

Family at the Ocean

With Floridians spending an average of $2,500 annually on energy costs, CEA’s Kevin Doyle looks at how anti-development groups come to the table with no solutions to help lower energy costs for hardworking Floridians and those living on fixed incomes.

Unfortunately, these people are the ones that deep-pocketed, anti-development groups like the Sierra Club forget about when they spend millions to stir up the same tired, “say no” to any fossil fuel energy debate – even as global energy consumption is expected to swell more than 55 percent by 2040, and with fossil fuels continuing to meet 80 percent of our energy needs, according to reports.

Read more – Tallahassee Democrat

Minnesota Commerce Dept. Undermines Its Economic Goals

Minneapolis Minnesota at night

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura explains why modernizing Minnesota’s critical energy infrastructure is necessary to ensure consumers have access to reliable supplies of transportation fuel – from gas to to diesel to jet fuel – at affordable prices.

You don’t often see a state agency whose mission is, in its words, to “advocate for consumers, ensure a strong, competitive and fair marketplace” and “strengthen the state’s economic future” work to undermine its own agenda.

Yet that’s what happened when the Minnesota Commerce Department asked utility regulators to vacate their decision to grant Enbridge a permit for Line 3.

Read more – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Company Agrees to Replace Underwater Oil Pipeline Between Great Lakes

Liberty Street Scene in Ann Arbor

Michigan depends on the safe, reliable transportation of propane and oil to fuel households and businesses.  Modernizing infrastructure like Line 5 helps ensure the protection of our Great Lakes while allowing Michiganders access to the energy they need.

“The historic agreement will result in eliminating nearly every risk of an oil leak in the Straits and provide added protections to the Great Lakes. It also will allow for multiple utilities to be housed and protected, better connecting our peninsulas, improving energy security and supporting economic development.”

Read more – The Hill

U.S. East Coast Refiners Cash in by the Trainload on Canadian Oil

Rail transportation tanker car

With the safest and most efficient pipelines across the country reaching capacity, more oil is being shipped by trains to refineries.

U.S. East Coast oil refiners are ramping up rail deliveries of crude from Western Canada, grabbing stranded barrels that full pipelines have driven to a record discount.

Read more – Reuters

CEA: Energy Development Touches Everyone in the US

Mother and little son in the car reading

CEA’s Andrew Browning had the opportunity to talk about how energy production in Colorado impacts the budgets of families across the state.

“When there is not enough energy to keep up with demand, energy prices skyrocket,” Browning said. “The solution is sustaining energy production and improving our infrastructure. Yet, energy projects are often caught up in legal battles or increasingly partisan political gamesmanship that drags on for years, as antidevelopment groups mislead Americans into believing that they must choose between a healthy environment or access to American energy. The truth is we don’t have to choose; we can have both.”

Read more – BIC Magazine

Top 5 News Stories in Energy This Week


Energy is the bedrock of modern existence. It influences world economies and family budgets alike. Given its societal significance, we publish a weekly compendium of energy news and stories that are shaping global markets and affecting daily life.

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are one of the latest investment crazes. But did you know that creating digital tokens is resource-intensive and exceptionally expensive? To help cut some of those overhead costs, crypto mining companies have descended on regions with lower electricity rates — including several Washington State locales. The migration of miners into lower-cost zones has sparked usage and capacity challenges. In an attempt to rectify the situation, Washington lawmakers in several counties voted to raise cryptocurrency miners’ utility rates. The new fee schedule goes into effect on April 1, 2019; it is expected to triple affected parties’ monthly costs.

Two major airlines unveiled significant renewable energy plans after industry executives vow to implement greenhouse gas mitigation measures beginning in 2020. Of the two airlines to unveil such energy plans, United Airlines revealed plans to reduce problematic emissions by 50% by 2050. Simultaneously, JetBlue has announced the imminent receipt of five new A321 aircraft, which are to be powered by renewable jet fuel. Industry analysts report that over 100,000 commercial flights have used hybrid fuels to date and some scientists predict that the aviation industry’s clean energy commitments will do less harm to the environment, thereby improving worldwide health.

The Energy Information Administration reports that almost a third of U.S. households struggle to pay their energy bills. In 2015 alone— which is the latest year of reportable data — approximately 25 million families have been forced to forfeit both food and medicine in order to pay for electric bills. At the same time, a Department of Energy report indicates energy-related spending is declining due to lower petroleum and natural gas prices.

Enervee is rolling out version 2.0 of their “Enveree Score”, helping consumers make energy-smart choices when shopping for appliances. Using a scale of 0-100, consumers can easily see which products are the most energy-efficient. Enervee also projects personalized consumer costs and savings – a one of a kind platform.

Columbia Gas of Massachusetts needs 1,300 workers to replace miles of aging pipeline within the next two months. At the same time as construction crews, inspectors and even translators are needed to help improve safety for those around older infrastructure, the main question employers are asking is where those pipeline workers will come from? Columbia Gas looks to move workers from other states to help fill the need in Merrimack Valley – where companies are required by state law to replace the unprotected steel or cast iron pipe within 20 years.

Drilling for Savings

Two engineers in front of large refinery

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura was interviewed about the recently released report,  The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, and discussed the savings and economic growth Ohio energy consumers have witnessed as a result of natural gas development in the state.

Lower energy costs make the region more competitive when trying to attract new companies, Ventura said. Bringing in new business creates construction jobs, then leads to permanent jobs once facilities have opened, he said. A variety of industries around the state have benefited from shale drilling, he said.

Read more – The Canton Repository

Stop Stonewalling on Atlantic Pipeline

Charlotte North Carolina

CEA’s Tim Page discusses the importance of critical energy infrastructure, and the lengthy process to ensure construction and modernization takes into account environmental factors and land owner concerns.

This pipeline’s route has also been changed over 300 times following public input to protect cultural sites, endangered species and the environment. Enough stonewalling. This project, and its benefits, have been delayed long enough.

Read more – The Charlotte Observer

Open Offshore Waters for Oil/Gas Development

Seismic research vessel

CEA Kevin Doyle looks at groups who oppose energy development by poisoning the public dialogue with misleading information to the detriment of Georgia’s families and economic growth for our state.

When groups repeat the same reasons why we can’t explore off our coasts, Rep. Carter points to Louisiana, where, in his words, “Gulf Coast communities are home to a $20 billion tourism industry and the state is home to the most productive commercial fisheries outside of Alaska, supplying one-third of the fish caught in the continental U.S. At the same time, they are the source of almost a quarter of our domestically produced oil and natural gas.”

Read more – Savannah Morning News

Zinke Talks LNG Exports, Pipeline Constraints, Offshore Wind in PA Visit

Onshore fracking well pad

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Pittsburgh featured Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke discussing the role American energy production in Pennsylvania has had on geopolitics, making America more energy independent.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke stopped in Pittsburgh on Friday to say that natural gas from places like Pennsylvania plays a key role in helping the United States deal with foreign adversaries.

If an energy-rich nation like Russia or Iran were to act aggressively toward the United States, he said having an abundance of natural gas would help counter that move.

Read more – WHYY