Saving on Utility Bills

Setting the Thermostat

With consumers facing ever increasing energy costs, CEA President David Holt joined The Morning Show to talk about ways families can save on their utility bills this summer.

Watch here – News 4 JAX

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – May 20

CBS News reported that an analyst for JP Morgan Chase has predicted gas prices over $6 per gallon across the nation by mid-summer as the travel season reaches its peak, possibly leading to the lowest gasoline inventory levels since 2008.

As gas prices continue to stay high, consumers and companies alike are looking toward renewable energy sources for relief. The Hill reported that the American Clean Power Association released a report on Tuesday that stated, “Looking into 2022 and beyond, inflation, supply chain issues, and the uncertainty of tax policy and lack of predictable regulatory action for renewable energy are all expected to have a concerning impact on our ability to deliver growth.”

Meanwhile, in what Forbes is calling “Rural Electrification 2.0,” the entire initial production run of 150,000 Ford F150 Lightning trucks (cousin to the best-selling vehicle in the U.S. for the past 40 years: the Ford F150) sold out before production finished.

Want more energy news? Check out our top 5 favorite stories in energy below!

8Entergy Shuts Down Michigan Nuclear Power Plant After 50 Years as Biden Administration’s $6B Plan to Save Nuclear Plants Falls Short

Entergy announced the permanent closure of an 800-megawatt nuclear plant in Michigan, despite the Biden Administration’s $6 billion plan to save struggling nuclear power plants in a bid to make nuclear plants more competitive with other alternative energy like natural gas or renewable sources. Entergy planned to shut down the facility by May 31, but decided to pull the plug earlier: “After careful monitoring, operators made the conservative decision to shut down the plant early due to the performance of a control rod drive seal,” Entergy in a statement about the plant, as reported by Reuters.

6NM Governor Says Increasing Renewable Energy Production is Simple: “Don’t pit renewables and fossil fuels against each other.”

Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has presided over the state of New Mexico as it became the second-largest oil producing state in the U.S.–while tripling its clean energy output since 2019. In a recent Politico article, she says the key to their successful strategy is pursuing clean energy without maligning fossil fuels, which contribute to the state’s budget significantly. Other lawmakers, including New Mexico state Representative Angelica Rubio, whose district includes an oil patch in the Permian Basin, are on board. “Environmentalists can be out of touch that a typical person here in New Mexico is trying to put food on their table and thinking about how to pay their bills,” said Rubio. “When they hear a [call for an oil] ban, that means an end of the job. My effort as a legislator has been to find what the middle ground is.”

4Biden’s Nominee for EPA Air Position Gets Endorsement from Miners Group

Joe Goffman, Biden’s nominee for the EPA’s assistant administrator for air and radiation, gained an endorsement that could end up being the key to his confirmation: the United Mine Workers of America. “We believe Mr. Goffman is well qualified to serve as AA for OAR, as demonstrated by his previous work for EPA in the Clinton and Obama Administrations, as well as his private sector and academic experience at Harvard’s Kennedy School,” said the UMWA letter obtained by E&E News and signed by Cecil Roberts, the union’s president.

2Rolling Blackouts to Come for Illinois, Missouri & More All Summer

The regional electricity grid operator known as MISO announced a 5-gigawatt energy shortage that will affect 10 states, including Missouri and Illinois, and may cause rolling blackouts throughout the summer. Not only are blackouts likely, but prices are also on the rise as a result. “So everybody does not lose power, the group known as MISO may cause some conservation of the use of electricity and the last-ditch effort of that would be forcing outages in specific areas for small periods of time,” said Shane Hermetz, the General Manager at Egyptian Electric Cooperative as reported by WSIL-TV News out of Harrisburg, Illinois. 

Now is the Time for Action, Not Blame, To Get Out of Energy Crisis, Consumer Energy Alliance Says

Offshore oil platform in ocean

Announcement of next steps in five-year offshore plan positive, but inadequate

WASHINGTON  – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement after Interior Secretary Deborah Haaland announced that the first part of the five-year offshore lease planning process will be completed by the June 30 deadline, during her appearance before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today.

“We appreciate the announcement of some forward progress in the five-year planning process, delays in which were blamed on the previous administration, lawsuits and factors, resulting in this Administration not able to meet their own mandated deadlines in time. The entire process should have been completed by June 30, but the Secretary said only the first part will be done by then.”

“However, her lack of a clear response to Senators’ questions about whether a DOI statement saying the proposed program ‘is not a decision to issue specific leases or to authorize any drilling or development’ is concerning.”

“After a 16 month ‘pause’ on all leasing and new production in America, anything less then multiple Gulf of Mexico lease sales a year is inadequate to help Americans facing gas prices that today reached a new record high of $4.59 a gallon. Families everywhere are hurting – it is real. We are glad to hear the Secretary’s comments that she understands the pain Americans are feeling, but without concrete action, the Biden Administration’s approach will continue to abet high prices at the pump.”

“CEA thanks Senators Kelly, Cassidy and Manchin for their recognition that the Gulf is one of the lowest-carbon producing basins in the world, and their forceful, factual arguments in favor of this path. Restarted leasing is the fastest way to help families and small businesses out of this twin energy and inflation crisis.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Consumer Energy Alliance Urges Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to Provide Adequate Funding to Federal Offshore Leasing in FY 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, released the following statement as the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee met today to examine the Department of Interior’s fiscal year 2023 budget:

“As Senators meet to discuss President Biden’s fiscal year 2023 budget request for the U.S. Department of Interior, we urge lawmakers to provide adequate funding to America’s federal offshore leasing program,” CEA Federal Affairs Advisor Michael Zehr said. “The Biden Administration’s backtracking on plans for three offshore lease sales, including two in the Gulf of Mexico, makes this all the more urgent.”

“Families and businesses are in desperate need of affordable energy to fill up their tanks, heat and cool their homes and run their businesses. Misguided efforts to shut down the Gulf of Mexico to new investment will result in higher prices, more global emissions and the continued deterioration of our country’s energy independence. Limiting U.S. production not only denies Americans immediate relief from record gasoline prices, it limits our ability to support our allies abroad. This Administration’s policy choices up to this point have created a regulatory situation in which companies cannot be certain their multi-year investments in the Gulf will be free from abnormal government interference,” Zehr said.

“However, we do not believe it is too late. With appropriate funding, legislative leadership and an overdue course correction from this Administration, we can produce the resources we need and supply our allies with abundant and environmentally responsible energy. The Gulf of Mexico is the least carbon-intensive offshore source in the world. Shutting that down means demand will be met with higher-emitting production from rival nations like Iran and Venezuela, since Russia is no longer an option. Offshore leases also generate significant funding for conservation and national parks, thanks to the Great American Outdoors Act, the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act and the Land and Water Conservation Fund.”

“We hope Senators will remember the enormous benefits that Americans and our environment receive from our offshore leasing program. It is imperative the Administration utilize our offshore resources if its intent is truly to lower energy prices and provide the world with the energy it needs.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

House Price Gouging Bill Is Sheer Misdirection, Consumer Energy Alliance Says

Pennsylvania Avenue and United States Capitol

CEA thanks Ranking Members Westerman, McMorris Rogers, other Members, for offering amendments that would actually address high prices

WASHINGTON  – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, expressed disappointment that the House Rules Committee failed to find in order multiple amendments urging the immediate resumption of mandatory federal offshore oil and gas lease sales in H.R. 7688, the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act.

“This entire bill offers nothing but deliberate misdirection and demonstrates callous indifference to the real financial challenges American families, farmers, laborers and small businesses are facing from astronomical gas prices and runaway inflation. Trying without evidence to blame ‘Big Oil’ for the high gasoline prices rather than correcting misguided policies and offering real, tangible solutions is yet another missed opportunity. Politics got us into this mess, and American voters are paying attention.  Pretending to lead by political sound-bytes will do nothing to actually address the problem,” CEA Federal Affairs Adviser Michael Zehr said.

“While families and small businesses struggle with record high gasoline prices and the highest inflation in 40 years, some Members of Congress appear content to create a bogeyman to distract from the fact that the Administration is doing everything it can to hamper U.S. oil and gas production. Frustrated American consumers are smarter than these Members give them credit for,” Zehr said.

“CEA thanks House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers and House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Bruce Westerman, as well as several other Members of Congress, for their efforts to add actual consumer relief to this bill by offering amendments that would have mandated a regular federal offshore oil and gas lease sales. Unfortunately, their amendments were ignored by the majority, just as the Department of Interior has ignored its existing Congressionally mandated obligation to hold regular lease sales under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Ohio’s Emissions Plunged as Statewide Natural Gas Production Increased Nearly 3,000%, Consumer Energy Alliance Analysis Finds

Columbus Ohio Downtown River

Columbus, OH — Ohio’s carbon dioxide emissions fell by 20% even as natural gas production surged almost 3,000% over two decades, according to a new emissions analysis released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses.

The findings demonstrate America’s continuing leadership in emissions reduction and the fact that increased energy production and a cleaner environment are not at odds. Even as Ohio’s natural gas production surged and it remained one of the nation’s largest energy consumers, emissions of key air pollutants and greenhouse gases declined significantly across the state.

From 1990 to 2021, Ohio’s emissions of key pollutants have decreased across the board, with a:

  • 81.7% reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOx),
  • 96.6% reduction in sulfur dioxide (SO2), and;
  • 72.9% reduction in volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Additionally, from 1990 to 2019, Ohio’s energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions declined by more than 20%.

Moreover, while Ohio’s emissions of key pollutants and carbon dioxide were decreasing, production of natural gas in Ohio increased more than 2,900%, boosting job creation and economic growth.

“With rising energy prices continuing to be a concern for families and businesses across our state, Ohio’s energy producers are stepping up to the challenge by producing more reliable energy while reducing emissions in the process,” said Chris Ventura, CEA’s Executive Director in Ohio. “Commonsense regulatory policies enacted in Columbus, along with voluntary actions taken by companies across our state, continue to ensure Ohio is leading the nation in emissions reductions. With the DeWine Administration examining the deployment of carbon capture utilization and storage, Ohio can remain at the forefront in advancing the strategies needed for a cleaner economy.”

To view the analysis, click here.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

ERCOT Preparing for Record Power Demand, Report Released

Multiple electric transmission lines

As summer approaches, regional transmission operators are warning that record power demand, coupled with fewer electric generating resources, will stress our electric grid like never before.  CEA’s Marc Brown talks with Fox 26 about what this means for families across Texas.

“North Dakota and Montana issuing concerns about capacity shortfalls, so this isn’t anything unique to Texas. California has had issues, obviously. This is something going on across the country right now, and I think grid operators need to take a strong look at their resources and make sure they can meet demand,” said Brown.

Read more – Fox 26 

Is the Texas Power Grid Ready for the Summer Heat?

Electric transmission lines

CEA’s Marc Brown joined Rashi Vats to talk about power generation issues that may set the stage for rolling brownouts and blackouts during the summer months as demand for electricity outstrips supply.

Watch here – Fox 26 Houston

Biden, Other Leaders Are Missing the Right Response to Rising Gas Prices in NC

Putting gas in car

As drivers across North Carolina are paying the highest prices in history for gas and diesel, CEA’s Kevin Doyle looks at the political responses that have failed energy consumers in lowering prices and what we can do to ensure prices become affordable.

What we continue to see from Washington may actually be gambling with our economy and perpetuating what is considered America’s greatest energy mistake. Their scattershot approach to reducing energy prices offers little tangible solutions. It ignores the obvious solution to support domestic energy production.

Read more – The Herald-Sun

How America’s Greatest Energy Mistake Gambles With Our Texas Economy

Woman Pumping Gas

CEA’s Gulf Coast Executive Director, Kaitlin Schmidtke, examines how federal policies have contributed to the increased prices Americans are currently paying at the gas station.

In 2022, why should we accept policy proposals that create more price volatility and less dependable, affordable and even more environmentally harmful energy? Voters should understand we can achieve our environmental goals with clean natural gas and oil, and that attempts to eliminate traditional energy actually harm our environment.

Read more – Caller Times