Pipelines for America

Welder in manufacturing facility

State Officials, Experts Discuss Pipeline Development As Part of Conference

During the West Virginia Manufacturers Association’s annual Marcellus to Manufacturing Development Conference, panelists discussed the importance of pipelines to West Virginia and the region. Since...
Senior citizens paying bills

Northeast Needs More Gas Pipelines, Says New Report

A new report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce looks at the devastating economic consequences for families and businesses as a result of expedient...
Multiple electric transmission lines

More Natural Gas Pipelines Needed, US Chamber of Commerce Says

With New England consumers paying some of the highest prices for energy in the continental United States, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce examined how...
Senior Adult Couple Going Over Papers

Gov. Cuomo Proves Pipeline Politics Aren’t Limited To DAPL

Forbes examines why placing political expediency before developing sound economic policies for infrastructure construction is detrimental to energy consumers in New York state. Unfortunately, the...
Father helps his son to fasten belt on car seat

Cuomo’s War on Pipelines Is Crushing New York’s Economy

With the latest pipeline to bring affordable, reliable energy to New Yorkers blocked the New York Post editorial board put a price tag on the...
Pipeline construction with welder

Officials Talk Energy Issues at Marietta College Forum

Consumer Energy Alliance's Ohio Valley Energy and Manufacturing forum, which discussed how businesses are responding and expanding due to increased pipeline infrastructure construction and...
Pipeline welder

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Will Help N.C. Meet Its Energy Needs

Consumer Energy Alliance's Brydon Ross talked about the importance of pipeline construction to help keep energy prices affordable and encourage job growth in North...
Michigan Upper Peninsula in Winter

Enbridge’s Line 5 Pipeline Seen Key to Keeping Energy Prices Affordable in Michigan

CEA's Brydon Ross and Chris Ventura discussed the consumer benefits of pipelines in the context of energy affordability and environmental safety in the state...
Port containers and cranes

Pipelines Planned From Permian to Gulf; Boom to Come to Corpus Christi

Houston will not be the only city benefiting from the recent boom in oil production.  New pipelines are in the works to bring more...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Why Does Cuomo Keep Rejecting Pipelines New Yorkers Could Benefit From?

Following up on last week's reporting, the New York Post editorial board took issue with Gov. Andrew Cuomo's policies that are working at cross-purposes.  Without...