A Proactive Rallying Call for Affordable, Reliable and CLEANER Energy for All
Working with our members and Leadership Committee, CEA proposes to launch an aggressive, proactive, long-term energy policy campaign under the banner, PEOPLE FOR ENERGY. We believe PEOPLE FOR ENERGY captures the rallying call for more engaged consumers, helps establish sensible energy policy as a “consumer expectation”, and offers a unique, tailored compliment to a variety of ongoing efforts from CEA partners and allies.
CEA envisions PEOPLE FOR ENERGY as a multi-year effort in targeted communities and states to bring together in a vocal and proactive manner CEA’s membership from business, manufacturers, retail, farming, healthcare, trucking, labor and community leaders. Uniting all in the common goal of advancing non-partisan energy solutions that improve lives and benefit all Americans.
3 ways to be a voice for energy
Be the change in securing a better energy future
At Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), we believe that energy is the foundation of our modern lives—fueling families, businesses, and communities alike. By joining CEA, you align with the nation’s most diverse coalition advocating for affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy solutions. Together, we can protect access to energy and drive policies that secure a resilient future for everyone.
Sign Up and Let Your Name Reach the Hill: Join our coalition to ensure your voice is heard in energy policy discussions at the local, state, and federal levels.
Donate Once to Expand your Voice: Support our efforts to elevate the energy conversation and represent you and your community more effectively.
Become a Member and Take the Next Step: Engage directly in advocacy, receive exclusive benefits, and help shape the future of energy solutions.
Add Your Voice to the Energy Movement
Sign Up and Let Your Name Reach the Hill: Join our coalition to ensure your voice is heard in energy policy discussions at the local, state, and federal levels.
Inquire about Membership and Take the Next Step: Engage directly in advocacy, receive benefits, and help advocate for affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy solutions.
Our PEOPLE FOR ENERGY Campaign is driven by the strategic work of our LEADERS FOR ENERGY. This level of membership is aimed to inspire a shift in energy voting behavior and help people understand that affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy solutions are essential for everyone’s well-being.
When you sign up, donate, or become a member, you’ll help elevate the energy conversation and ensure your voice is represented in the decisions that shape energy policy and solutions. By working together, we can advance nonpartisan energy policies that prioritize affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy solutions for all Americans, empowering communities, supporting families, and driving a resilient future.
we are 100% dedicated to