- West Virginia becomes fourth state to win permitting primacy from EPA
- Decision moves U.S. cleaner energy forward without limiting vital production
CHARLESTON, WV – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted West Virginia’s request to assume primary permitting and enforcement authority for UIC Class VI injection wells under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
“CEA is thrilled to learn that the EPA has granted the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection the ability to permit Class VI wells in West Virginia,” CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura said. “Granting West Virginia the authority to deal with all aspects of permitting for carbon capture will benefit the environment and allow for new economic development opportunities.”
“With the approval of West Virginia’s application, the state – a leading energy producer and advocate of carbon capture in the U.S. – is able to more safely and expeditiously remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere while continuing to allow the industries that provide us with affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to thrive. CEA is glad to see that West Virginia is now the fourth state to be granted authority to permit its own Class VI wells.”
The approval of West Virginia’s primacy application is another step in the right direction for cleaner American energy that advances viable emissions-reducing technologies without limiting vital energy and manufacturing production. CEA hopes to see continued progress made in the carbon capture industry under President Trump’s new administration, with policies bolstering funding for carbon capture initiatives and more states, such as Texas, Arizona, Colorado, and Oklahoma being granted primacy.
About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the trusted voice advocating for affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy solutions that benefit all Americans. Representing families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers, CEA champions sensible, balanced policies that support economic growth and environmental sustainability; and ensures families and businesses are a vocal part of the nation’s energy dialogue. Every day, we work to inspire practical, responsible solutions that meet America’s energy needs while protecting the environment for generations to come.
Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855