19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

A “well-presented and logical” attack on popular environmentalism


It’s very hard to take on so-called environmentalists in a serious public debate, but in a guest post published on the Houston Chronicle’s Texas on the Potomac blog, CEA President David Holt outlines why true environmentalism goes beyond protecting your own back yard.

In explaining why environmentalism and offshore drilling are more compatible than many people think, Holt calls the opposition to domestic drilling “one of the most naïve and potentially harmful” forms of environmentalism.

“Serious environmentalists,” Holt writes, “understand that you can’t protect the environment by building a fence around your own backyard.” Because so many anti-oil interests seem to be most interested in not seeing the oil we all consume, Holt says, we are not only a country that is addicted to foreign oil, but one that is strangely indifferent to that addiction.

CEA is always gratified when it is able to spread its message about responsible energy production and diversification. With Holt’s blog, we are happy to see that many people out there seem to agree with our message. Click here to read the full post, along with some comments praising Holt’s logic and rational presentation.