19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Foltz addresses AIPRO Annual Meeting


Tommy Foltz, Executive Director of CEA-South, was a speaker at Arkansas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Annual Meeting on Sept. 30, 2009. Below is coverage of the event from AIPRO.

By all accounts, AIPRO’s inaugural Annual Meeting recently held in Little Rock was a success!  We had over 115 registrations with a great turn-out for an educational and enjoyable event.

Governor Beebe started the day off recognizing the importance of the oil and natural gas industry in Arkansas.  He also applauded the original members of AIPRO for having the foresight to form the organization and bring it to its current state.  Gov. Beebe said that by working together we can more successfully impact both legislative and regulatory issues that impact our industry.

Tommy Foltz, Director for Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) – South, was our next speaker.  Tommy explained how CEA is working to help our industry by building a rapid-response system so that through email blasts sent to their large membership, they can both educate their members on hot topics and provide an easy avenue for them to contact their Congressional delegation to impact legislation.  Tommy also addressed the Rahall bill (HR3534), currently making its way through Congress, and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which could have a significant impact on Arkansas oil production and American energy security.