19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

David Holt: Where Is The ‘Energy’ In Kerry-Boxer?


The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question “The Nitty-Gritty: What Will Hearings Offer?”

October 28, 2009   It seems much of the discussion around this bill, and even the analysis of its impact, ignores the issue of where we will get our energy today and tomorrow. If we are actually going to pass a climate change bill, shouldn’t we also be working to actively expand our near and long-term energy solutions?

Our hope is that the analysis and discussions on this issue will press further to provide transparency into all aspects of the bill. This bill, if passed, could have a significant impact on the US economy and the process should be accessible to consumers so they understand its full implications – including the legislation’s impact on US business competitiveness vis a vis the rest of the world. This means a global solution, not just a US solution to a real global problem.

Let’s make sure that our public policy decisions fully account for potential increased energy costs and negative economic impacts on consumers. Addressing all our energy needs – both now and into the future, as well as the American economy, job creation and the needs of the US consumer seem like a good start.