19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

David Holt: Congress, Not EPA, Should Lead


The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question “Should Congress stop EPA?”

January 26, 2010   The Consumer Energy Alliance is concerned that using the EPA’s Clean Air Act as a vehicle to control greenhouse gas emissions could effectively bar Americans from being a part of this very important national climate change debate. Consumer Energy Alliance member companies are taking a hard look at EPA’s proposed action.

While CEA has not taken a formal position on current climate change proposals, the climate change issues and potential legislative changes should be debated openly and should ensure that all consumers of energy, effectively all Americans, have a chance for their voices to be heard. After all, this is an issue that will affect everyone, and has the potential to affect people in a dramatic way. During this time of economic downturn when so many Americans are already struggling with energy prices, further changes to US energy policy should be fully vetted with the American consumer. We look forward to a transparent climate change process led by the US Congress.