19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

2010 OTC Panel Discussion


Consumer Energy Alliance will serve as co-organizer of two panels at the 2010 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in May 2010 in Houston, Texas:

  • Government’s Role in Supporting Energy & Creating Jobs
  • Private Sector Role in Supporting Energy & Creating Jobs

The focus of the panels is Jobs and the Economy: How the Energy Industry is Creating Jobs, Leading the Economy and Impacting Consumers. Both panels will take place Monday, May 3, 2010.

The Panel Participants include:

PANEL 1. Government’s Role in Supporting Energy & Creating Jobs (2:00 – 3:10pm):

  • The Honorable Sean Parnell, Governor of the State of Alaska
  • The Honorable Bob McDonnell, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
  • The Honorable Bob McLeod, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories
  • Jack Gerard, President & CEO, American Petroleum Institute
  • Dave Lawrence, Executive Vice President, Exploration and Commercial, Shell Upstream Americas

PANEL 2. Private Sectors Role in Supporting Energy & Creating Jobs (3:15 – 4:30pm):

  • Dr. Michael Webber, Instructor, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Randall Luthi, President, National Ocean Industries Association
  • Ken Bromfield, US Commercial Director, Energy Business, Dow
  • Jeff Moseley, President, Greater Houston Partnership
  • David Holt, President, Consumer Energy Alliance


  • Paul Bledsoe, Vice President, National Commission on Energy Policy (confirmed)


  • David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Sandeep Khurana, Advisor, Devon Energy Corporation

Energy is the lifeblood of our economy, the backbone of our security and essential to our way of life.  It powers American businesses and homes, fuels the flow of goods and services around the world, and generates tens of millions of jobs that support and sustain our communities.  Whether we’re referring to energy derived from oil, gas, wind, water or waste — the sun, the moon or deep inside the earth — Americans need it all.  And they need it in a form and function that’s stable, affordable, constant and environmentally sound.

While the national economy struggles to recover, many Americans remain unaware of the integral role that energy plays in sustaining economic capacity, maintaining productivity and providing opportunities for growth.  Understanding the role our current resources play in driving commerce, while we move to diversify and expand our nation’s energy portfolio to improve energy security and create jobs and economic benefits are at the core of some of the country’s most pressing needs.

Today’s energy problems remain a critical issue for America’s consumers, businessmen and political leaders, and we must do everything we can now to create economic stability, energy security and stable prices over the near- and long-term.  Elected officials, affected stakeholders and consumers must work together to create a national energy policy that fully recognizes the need to invest in new technology that encourages conservation and allows for advances in development of oil & gas resources, alternative energy, and energy efficiency.  Our nation has the extraordinary potential to fuel and power itself, and we must act today to leverage those resources into new jobs, more revenue, expanded security and greater affordability in the future.

This panel brings together consumers, businesses, energy providers, Members of Congress and State Governors to discuss the complex relationship between energy and economic sustainability along with the importance of energy production in boosting state and national economies and providing jobs while properly protecting the environment.

To read more, view the 2010 OTC Panel Discussion document.