19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Cape Wind: Community Power


There is much to celebrate about the recent approval late last month of the Cape Wind project off the coast of Massachusetts.

And while much has already been said about what a milestone this is for the adoption of renewable power, there’s another key feature of this project that needs to be noted. The wind farm’s planned 130 turbines are expected to generate 1.6 billion kilowatts of electricity per year. That is about enough to power the majority of the homes on Nantucket and surrounding islands.

In other words, Cape Wind is one of those projects that will make an immediate difference in the surrounding community, providing residents with a reliable and nearby source of power and serving as a reminder of the vast natural resources that surround us.

Critics may say that’s not a lot of power, and they may question whether it was worth the long battle to win approval. We commend the communities that look for power right in their own backyards, as they say.

Recently CEA highlighted another such project, the first geothermal power plant in the state of Oregon.

It’s not big enough to make a dent in nationwide power demand, but will make a big difference for residents of the city of Klamath Falls.

When you think about finding the energy to power the entire nation, it can sound like a daunting challenge. Projects like these remind us that we can build a strong domestic energy industry by tapping all the diverse sources of power, all around the country.