19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance and The Hispanic Institute Unite for Common Goals


CEA President: Balanced Energy Policy Good for All Consumers and Economic Sectors

HOUSTON — May 13, 2010   Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) continues to maintain a well-rounded and extensive affiliate membership representing all economic sectors of the economy and segments of the population by growing its relationship with the The Hispanic Institute (THI), a non-profit organization that supports an informed and empowered Hispanic America, and advocates for knowledgeable decisions related to balanced American energy development.

Commenting on the organization’s continued affiliation with CEA, THI’s Board Chair Gus West said they are committed to the partnership and appreciate “CEA’s logical approach to energy policy.”

“We began working closely with the Consumer Energy Alliance in support of the Five-Year Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program. THI secured letters of support from Hispanic federal, state and local elected officials as well as national NGO’s. CEA was out in front of this issue, and it speaks volumes that the current administration embraced CEA’s position. It demonstrates CEA’s logical approach to energy policy. We only hope that the energy industry realizes the significance of the work that CEA does and redoubles their support of this very important organization,” West explained.

The Hispanic Institute is focused on several ongoing projects beyond energy, including: study of Hispanic economic contributions; consumer fraud protection; citizenship education; and technology and telecommunications research. THI makes it a part of its mission to support organizations like CEA that promote policies that benefit all American consumers.

“The Hispanic Institute represents the best of America in its desire to promote education and economic growth. Consumer Energy Alliance has long appreciated the dedicated support of The Hispanic Institute to our alliance as we embrace our role as advocates for a balanced  U.S. energy policy together,” said CEA President David Holt.

For more information on The Hispanic Institute, visit www.thehispanicinstitute.net.