19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA to Interior: Lift Moratorium, Create Real Jobs, Economic Growth


Nat’l consumer group calls on the Administration to listen to the American people, reverse course on job-killing moratorium

HOUSTON – July 19, 2010   In a statement earlier today announcing a series of public forums focused on domestic offshore energy production, Michael Bromwich – chief of the Interior Department’s bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement’s (BOEM) – said “We need to know that industry got the message” in reference to the Deepwater Horizon incident.

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) president David Holt issued this statement in response to Mr. Bromwich’s comments:

“American energy consumers – especially those along the Gulf Coast – get the message loud and clear that the Administration’s offshore drilling moratorium is leading to higher unemployment, a crippled economy and less stable supplies of affordable energy, as rigs continues to leave our waters to operate overseas.

“Despite being overturned by a federal court, this Administration continues to unnecessarily keep critical supplies of homegrown oil and natural gas off-limits that can be safely leveraged into good-paying jobs and affordable energy for struggling American families, seniors and small businesses.

“Consumers in the Gulf ‘get the message’ how economically devastating the president’s ban on offshore energy development is. And thankfully, they have dogged and tireless allies in Senators Mary Landrieu and David Vitter, as well as many others, who understand that the Obama moratorium ‘could cost more jobs than the spill itself.’

“CEA strongly urges all concerned consumers, citizens and stakeholders to attend these upcoming meetings throughout August, and to continue to send Washington the message that more effective, safe and responsible domestic energy production, coupled with commonsense conservation measures, is vital to our nation’s energy security.”

NOTE: According the Interior Department, “Meetings are currently being scheduled to occur in August in the following cities: New Orleans, LA, Lafayette, LA, Mobile, AL, Pensacola, FL, Santa Barbara, CA, and Anchorage, AK.  Meetings will be held in early September in the following cities: Biloxi, MS and Houston, TX.”