19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Energy Consumers Disappointed that Administration Continues to Strangle U.S. Economy


HOUSTON – July 12, 2010 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) president David Holt issued the following statement in response to the Administration’s renewed and misguided call for a moratorium on domestic offshore oil and natural gas production, which was initially overturned in a recent federal court ruling:

“Today’s actions by the White House, while expected, are unfortunate and will result in fewer jobs and fewer stable supplies of affordable energy for struggling American consumers, particularly those along the Gulf Coast, whose economy has been shaken to its core.

“Safely and effectively producing domestic oil and natural gas offshore provides secure supplies of homegrown energy for the nation and is responsible for tens upon tens of thousands of American jobs. While we look to diversify our energy over the next several decades, offshore energy production is critical to our nation’s ability to compete, and for American consumers, families, seniors and businesses to thrive.

“While the presidential commission on offshore energy production held its first public hearing earlier today to determine appropriate steps forward, today’s action by the White House will only increase economic uncertainty, costing even more jobs and keeping more job-creating American energy unnecessarily off-limits.”