19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Gulf Coast Clean Application Center


Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Gulf Coast Clean Application Center

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome a new affiliate member, the Gulf Coast Clean Energy Application Center (GC RAC). Joining as CEA’s 154th member, the GC RAC is one of eight clean energy centers established by the U.S. Department of Energy and is located within the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) in the Woodlands, Texas.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to announce this new partnership with one of the Gulf’s essential energy advocates,” said CEA president David Holt. “The Houston Advanced Research Center and the Gulf Coast Clean Application Center play an important role in promoting enhanced fuel efficiency, improved energy cost predictability, and stronger domestic energy security, which are common goals shared by CEA.”

“The GC RAC strives to expand the understanding of a variety of energy sources by educating end-users and policymakers on the importance of responsible, clean energy, and we find that CEA’s broader mission mirrors that charge”, said Krishnan Umamaheswar, research scientist at HARC.

The GC RAC’s mission is to increase support for combined heat and power (CHP), waste heat recovery and district energy in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. The GC RAC initiates educational programs, facilitates policy development, and generates project-specific support to help business leaders move forward with reaching their project goals. Through its strong relationships with regional stakeholders, the GC RAC is working to build a community with enthusiasm for CHP and has become the leading voice and resource for these technologies in the region.

The GC RAC partners with the Texas Combined Heat & Power Initiative (TXCHPI), a non-profit association of business interests that supports clean, energy-efficient, CHP technology applications in industrial, commercial and institutional settings (http://www.texaschpi.org/).

For more information on the Gulf Coast Clean Energy Application Center, visit www.gulfcoastcleanenergy.com

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, visit www.beta.consumerenergyalliance.org.