19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA applauds vote in U.S. House to develop energy resources offshore


CEA applauds vote in U.S. House to develop energy resources offshore

WASHINGTON – New access to abundant energy resources offshore could soon be granted to American energy consumers thanks to historic legislation passed today in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill, H.R. 1230, orders the Interior Department to conduct lease sales on four separate energy-rich tracts along our nation’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) – two in the central Gulf of Mexico, one in the western Gulf, and one more than 50 miles off the coast of Virginia.

Following the vote, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) executive vice president Michael Whatley issued the following statement:

“Today’s vote in the House essentially asks the administration to do what it should have done a long time ago. It compels the Interior Department to put in place a plan to get fair value for the taxpayer on the massive reserves of energy currently being held captive offshore – resources that are owned by all Americans and which our country needs access to now more than ever before.

“It’s now incumbent on the Senate to follow suit, not only in view of the new jobs and additional revenues that such an action would create, but also with an eye on bringing more American energy online for consumers, lowering prices and reducing imports in the process.”

Earlier this month, CEA launched a campaign designed to empower everyday Americans with the tools they need to ensure their voices are heard in Washington. The campaign, coined More Energy Now, also includes an online feature capturing the up-to-date status of America’s growing reliance on foreign energy – along with a rolling counter of how much Americans are currently sending overseas to acquire the energy they need.