19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Reliable Renewables, LLC


Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Reliable Renewables, LLC

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Reliable Renewables, LLC as its newest affiliate member.

Reliable Renewables, LLC develops, owns, and operates modular biomass gasification power plants of 2-5 megawatts.  The power plants are fueled by agricultural waste, pulp & paper waste, energy crops, and refuse-derived fuel.  These power plants operate around-the-clock providing a consistent, sustainable flow of renewable energy.  The biogas produced can be utilized to produce electricity in a GE Jenbacher, or a similar engine.  Alternatively, the biogas produced can be used to fuel incumbent processes such as kilns, fractionation towers, or existing engines and turbines.  Fuel cost is reduced or eliminated as the gasification plants are small enough to be located adjacent to biomass supplies.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to work closely with Reliable Renewables on energy issues at a regional and national level,” said CEA Executive Vice-President Andrew Browning. “One fundamental goal of CEA is to unite consumers and producers of energy in an effort to seek rational energy policy that helps lower fuel costs for everyone. Reliable Renewables accomplishes this by providing its customers with biomass energy supply that is cost efficient.  CEA looks forward to working closely with Reliable Renewables to provide consumers with credible energy information and learning first-hand some of the concerns consumers have about federal and state energy policies.”

“Reliable Renewables, LLC is pleased to join the efforts of CEA to help develop energy policies that will encourage utilization of America’s vast biomass resources bringing lower cost, reliable electric power and biogas to US consumers,” said Zach Scott, Managing Partner of Reliable Renewables, LLC.