19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA Welcomes HoustonWorks USA as Newest Affiliate Member


CEA Welcomes HoustonWorks USA as Newest Affiliate Member

HOUSTONConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome HoustonWorks USA as its 170th affiliate member. As part of its CEA affiliation, HoustonWorks USA and Schlumberger’s Engineering Excellence competition (E²) – to be held in February 2012 – will be added to the Energy Capital Academic Program (ECAP) to further expand CEA’s broad energy academic program.

Since its founding in 1984, HoustonWorks USA has consistently maintained a high level of performance while demonstrating the ability to remain flexible and responsive to the changing characteristics of the 21st Century job market. Today, HoustonWorks USA offers job training and placement, scholarships, consulting, technical initiatives focusing on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, (STEM) summer job programs along with youth summits.

“HoustonWorks USA is so pleased to work with CEA to further educational and workforce opportunities for young people,” said HoustonWorks USA Associate Director of STEM Institute, Terri Drabik-O’Reilley.  “Engineering Excellence (E²) and CEA’s Energy Capital Academic Program are just two examples of how organizations can work together to deliver positive messages about STEM education to students. CEA’s mission of expanding the national energy dialogue affords students everywhere the opportunity to learn about energy in all of its forms and the careers energy can provide.”

Drabik-O’Reilley added, “HoustonWorks USA is committed to the continued development of our programs to help students prepare for a future in ‘STEM related fields.’ By joining CEA, HoustonWorks USA hopes that more under-represented students can be reached in an attempt to bolster interest in STEM related fields.”

“Consumer Energy Alliance is very proud to announce this partnership with HoustonWorks USA and welcome HoustonWorks USA as our newest affiliate,” said David Holt, president of CEA. “HoustonWorks USA helped make Houston’s Energy Day a reality and will continue to support STEM education by becoming part of the Energy Capital Academic Program with the addition of the Engineering Excellence (E²) competition. This will further ECAP’s mission of creating a year-round energy education program that rewards students for their excellence. Educating young people on energy innovation and the future of energy careers is a fundamental function for CEA.  We look forward to doing even more together to provide students with credible energy information and activities that show students how they can pursue rewarding careers in STEM fields.”