19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA: PwC Study Confirms Abundance of Shale Gas Resources A “Game Changer” for America’s Energy Consumers


CEA: PwC Study Confirms Abundance of Shale Gas Resources A “Game Changer” for America’s Energy Consumers
Significant Benefits Include Addition of Approximately One Million Jobs, an Estimated $11.6 Billion in Energy Cost Savings and Greater Investments in U.S. Plants

PITTSBURGH, PA (December 14, 2011)— Following the National Association of Manufacturers releasing a study by PwC titled, “Shale gas: A renaissance in US manufacturing?”  today highlighting that shale gas development could be very beneficial to  the manufacturing industry, representatives from Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) released the following statements in response to the reports’ findings that responsible shale gas development could add approximately one million jobs, encourage greater investments in U.S. plants and reduce U.S. manufacturers’ natural gas expenses by as much as $11.6 billion annually through 2025.

From CEA President David Holt:

“Today’s announcement underscores that the economics and resource base of shale gas are indeed a ‘game changer’ for domestic manufacturers of steel, petrochemicals, fertilizer, agricultural goods and other natural gas based products. During these challenging economic times, we are encouraged by the PwC report findings that responsible shale gas development will lead to a future renaissance of domestic manufacturing, as well as boosting economic output and creating one million much-needed jobs.

With the news that lower natural gas prices resulting from shale gas production have the potential to add over one million manufacturing jobs in the U.S. by 2025, it’s clear that by leveraging U.S.  resources – from the Midwest to the Northeast, and across the nation – we can create an economy-boosting energy plan for America.”

From CEA PA Director, Mike Mikus:

“Given the tremendous economic, manufacturing and employment benefits of responsible shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale and throughout the US, today’s report exemplifies the importance of consumers and businesses having a voice in the thoughtful development and utilization of our energy resources. To achieve these positive outcomes and ensure stable energy prices for business, agriculture, manufacturing and other energy consumers, we must continue to communicate to our local and national officials the value that clean-burning natural gas can create for U.S. workers and communities.”

About Consumer Energy Alliance Pennsylvania

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Pennsylvania aims to provide a voice and motivate consumers of energy from every sector of the economy – large industrial natural gas users, small business, retail owners, hospitals, transportation, and local consumers – and to improve the overall understanding of energy security, operating and best practice issues, and price stability resulting from the thoughtful development and utilization of Pennsylvania’s energy resources.  With offices in both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, CEA PA supports CEA’s national mission in Pennsylvania and serves as an advocate for energy consumers on various local and state, energy-related issues.