19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

January 2012 Newsletter


January 2012 CEA Newsletter
Issue 58

Off to the races

It feels hard to believe from the cozy comfort of our living rooms, where many of us still have Christmas trees standing or other reminders of the holiday season. But the Iowa Caucus – an event that will set off the start of a long and contentious primary election season – is now just days away.

As a Presidential election year, the year 2012 is also certain to be a pivotal year for energy policy. The goal for those of us at CEA and all our supporters will be to remind the candidates, the media, and most of all, the voters, that energy policy is economic policy.  In an atmosphere where sound bites are repeated more often than depth is pursued, it is indeed a challenge to make the point that “the economy” is not just an abstract concept, but a direct reflection of the policies we pursue and the jobs we create. The simple fact is that when we undertake large domestic energy production projects, we create jobs and when we drag our feet approving these projects, all of us suffer from higher unemployment and more volatile energy policies.

For these reasons, it’s important that we approach the 2012 Presidential election as an opportunity to make the case for the issues we support every year, including increased development of all our energy resources from wind and solar to oil and gas to nuclear power – which will bolster our domestic energy supply and create the sort of large infrastructure projects that support well-paying jobs. The year 2011 was a year that showed some tentative progress with a return to lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and conditional approval of some exploration projects in Alaska. In the coming year, it will be important to see follow through, in the form of continued support for environmentally-safe exploration and production in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico, the creation of more infrastructure to support the transmission of renewable power, and increased support for hydraulic fracturing, which is helping us tap into a large supply of fuel that was long considered inaccessible. We also enter 2012 with the fate of the proposed Keystone Pipeline still uncertain, even though this major infrastructure project would clearly stimulate job growth and improve our domestic energy security.

It is not a stretch to see how all of these economic and energy policies touch our lives over the holidays – from the lights with which we adorn our homes, to the warm shelter we seek inside, the travel we undertake to see loved ones, and the hard-earned money we spend on gifts. Of course, shining lights and road travel must continue after we put another holiday season behind us. Energy is not a luxury, but a necessity to everyday life. That is why we must hit the new year running, with a full recognition for what is at stake in the election season.

David Holt


Tell the Obama Administration That We Need Jobs and Thoughtful Access to Offshore Resources

The future of our nation’s energy and economic security depends on thoughtful, consistent policies that utilize our domestic resources to spur economic growth.  Now, the Obama Administration has released its plan for offshore leasing for the next five years, 2012-2017.  Although the proposed plan does permit for lease sales in areas that are currently under development, the plan falls short of opening access to new areas including offshore Virginia. Denying access to new areas is a significant blow to our energy security, but even more troubling are the ways this plan – and other actions by the Administration – are discouraging offshore development.

We will still rely on oil and natural gas for transportation, electricity, manufacturing, consumer goods and several other uses that are part of our everyday lives. Even more, our economy depends on the millions of jobs and billions in revenues offshore production generates. As the economy recovers, let’s make sure we have policies in place that support long-term economic growth.

Take Action Now!


Looking Forward to Energy Day 2012

Now that the inaugural Energy Day festival has come and gone, it is time we look forward to the future and Energy Day 2012. Energy Day 2012 will take place at Hermann Square, City Hall in Downtown Houston, Texas on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The festival will once again feature  live music, food, contests and most importantly interactive exhibits and demonstrations showcasing all forms of energy from oil and natural gas to solar and hydropower and everything in between, as well as efficiency and conservation.

CEA will also continue working with our Academic Partners to engage students in energy education through the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP).  EDAP was created to reward students who strive for greatness in energy-related academic competitions that run throughout the school year.   Those who win at an Energy Day Academic Program event will be awarded for their excellence and commitment to energy and education.  The 2012 Energy Day Academic Program consists of the following competitions:

February 18, 2012: The HoustonWorks USA & Schlumberger E2 Engineering Excellence Competition

March 1-3, 2012: The Science and Engineering Fair of Houston

March 31, 2012: The CSTEM Challenge

May 2012: Houston: Energy City of the Future 2050 Competition

May 19, 2012: The Children’s Museum of Houston Young Inventors’ Showcase on

Spring 2012: The HGS/HMNS/CEA Art, Essay & Media Contests

For more information on Energy Day 2012 or the 2012 EDAP events, please contact Kathleen Koehler at KKoehler@beta.consumerenergyalliance.org.

CEA In the News

CEA finished 2012 with a strong presence in the media.  Throughout the month of December CEA received media hits from all forms of media including radio, TV, blogs, news articles, press releases and more.  The topics with significant contributions to this success are the Keystone XL Debate and the efforts of the newly formed CEA-Pennsylvania.

A few of the highlights of CEA’s recent media success:

  • Keystone XL
    • This blog details how indecision has cost this country jobs.
    • Read here how Keystone XL is being turned into an election issue.
    • CEA helped place this piece which discusses the heated debate on Keystone XL.
    • Instapundit shows its support for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline by discussing current fuel prices.
    • CEA Pennsylvania
      • CEA-PA Director Mike Mikus wrote this LTE in the Mt. Airy Patch.  The letter addresses the benefits of developing the Marcellus Shale.
      • CEA-PA was interviewed by WHCU in Ithaca, NY.  Hear the interview here.

That is just a small sampling of CEA’s public presence in the media over the past 30 days.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Craig Koshkin at CKoshkin@beta.consumerenergyalliance.org.

Upcoming Events

HoustonWorks USA & Schlumberger E2 Engineering Excellence Competition

February 18, 2012

Rice University, Houston, Texas

The Fourth Annual E2 Engineering Excellence Competition sponsored by HoustonWorks USA and Schlumberger invites students from elementary, middle, and high schools to compete during this city-wide event. The competition is open to public, private, charter, and home school students who have an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

This competition provides students with a STEM foundation to successfully compete with their peers, and it encourages them to create and explore a vision of future technology by combining their imaginations with the tools of science. It also provides students an opportunity that requires them to use skills such as problem-solving, research and presentation skills, practical math, science applications, and computer skills.

For information on entering or questions, please contact Francheska Williams at 713.654.1919 Ext. 1212 or STEM@Houstonworks.org.

Winning students will be recognized at the E2 Engineering Excellence Competition Awards Ceremony, will receive awards at Energy Day, and will be invited to display their projects at Energy Day on October 20, 2012.