19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Port of Corpus Christi


HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Port of Corpus Christi as its 189th affiliate member.

Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico, the Port of Corpus Christi is the sixth largest port in the United States in total tonnage. With a straight, 45-foot deep channel, the Port provides quick access to the Gulf and the United States inland waterway system. The Port delivers outstanding access to overland transportation, with on-site and direct connections to the three Class 1 railroads and uncongested interstate and state highways. The Port is protected by a state-of-the-art security department and an award-winning Environmental Management System.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is very pleased to have the Port of Corpus Christi as a partner in the national energy debate,” said CEA President David Holt. “CEA’s most essential function is to unite energy consumers and producers in order to develop and implement a balanced, national energy policy that supports domestic energy production. The Port of Corpus Christi accomplishes this by operating in a field that is highly impacted by the current state of regulatory and energy policy uncertainty. We look forward to working closely with the Port of Corpus Christi to address the key energy issues facing their operations as well as the issues facing the organizations they serve.”

“I am excited about partnering with CEA,” said John LaRue, the Port of Corpus Christi’s Executive Director. “The Port of Corpus Christi has a vested interest in energy policy from an energy consuming, producing, and transporting perspective. The port serves to facilitate both the export and import of energy and refined products, a role that will grow in future years as energy production increases in South Texas, and the Port and its consumers expand their capabilities. The Port of Corpus Christi serves as a regional economic development catalyst and it is our duty to help protect our industrial base and maritime cargo business. By joining CEA our voice with have a broader reach when it comes to the important topics pertaining to energy policy.”