19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: The JAX Chamber


HOUSTON: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the JAX Chamber as its newest affiliate member. Comprised of nearly 3,000 business members the region, the Chamber is dedicated to driving quality, economic growth in Northeast Florida to make it the best place to live, work and play. Founded in 1884, the Chamber is one of the state’s oldest business organizations and is led by a board of directors comprised of 45 voting members as well as a board of governors comprised of 120 members representing a cross-section of the Chamber membership. The Chamber promotes a pro-business agenda with Florida’s elected officials and provides services that help members grow their businesses.

“We are proud to partner with CEA- energy policy and job creation greatly affects our entire membership,” said Christopher Quinn, Vice President of Public Policy/Business Advocacy for the JAX Chamber. “We believe it is essential that energy policy remains at the forefront of issues discussed by our elected officials. By joining CEA, JAX Chamber will incorporate and capitalize on CEA’s knowledge of national energy issues.”

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to work closely with the JAX Chamber on energy issues at a state, regional and national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy, and the JAX Chamber accomplishes this by bringing together its member organizations and businesses and pursuing energy legislation that will benefit all consumers. In an unpredictable business climate, energy policy that creates certainty for businesses and consumers while providing reliable and affordable energy is more important than ever. CEA is very pleased to welcome the JAX Chamber in promoting such policies.”