19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

September 2012 Newsletter


September 2012 CEA Newsletter
Issue 66

Advancing A Sensible Energy Policy

As we continue through a long hot summer, CEA has been working tirelessly to continue to advance the cause of a sensible energy policy. Our newest area of growth is the creation of the CEA regional chapter, CEA-Texas. The chapter will be headed by David Blackmon of Houston, TX. David is the former Chair of CEA, and has a 33 year history in the oil and gas industry, focusing on policy and communications. I am excited to bring him on board to help launch our newest chapter.

CEA- TX will help continue CEA’s broader mission in the Lone Star state. Texas is again becoming a global leader in oil and gas production and has a strong portfolio in the renewable sector. With new plays like the Eagle Ford and Permian, and expanded wind production in the panhandle, there is much work to be done. CEA- TX will help facilitate a broad discussion of energy issues around the state by enlisting consumer voices and public comment in support of our policy goals. More broadly, CEA- TX will seek to rekindle the pride Texans hold for their leadership in the energy industry. The theme of our CEA-TX outreach is Texas Energy. Texas Pride.

CEA- TX also has plans to lead on internal industry matters, such as trucking safety and landowner outreach. The chapter will also work to influence public policy at the state level with the goal of reforming the High Cost Gas program, finding funding for the state’s water plan, and amendments to the Texas RPS to include solar generation.

I look forward to the work CEA-TX will do to help promote the industry in Texas and bring more consumers into the debate.  After all, energy continues to spur job creation and economic growth for all sectors of our economy.  A stronger, more robust energy sector will, no doubt, help all consumers even more.


David Holt

New Energy Afternoon Videos

Your question can be featured in a future installment of “Afternoon Energy.” Just visit us on Facebook and leave a comment on what you’d like to see David answer.


Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Comprised of over 2,200 business members representing 104,000 employees in the Mobile Area, the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce represents Mobile’s business voice and has joined as a new CEA affiliate member.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Rigzone

Rigzone, “your gateway to the oil and gas industry,” has joined CEA as our newest affiliate member. Not just a news site, Rigzone provides the energy consumer with information regarding careers, company directories, offshore rig data, equipment marketplace and more.


CEA is looking forward Energy  Day 2012 which will take place at Hermann Square, City Hall in downtown Houston, Texas on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The festival will feature  live music, food, contests and most importantly interactive exhibits and demonstrations showcasing all forms of energy from oil and natural gas to solar and hydropower and everything in between, as well as efficiency and conservation.

New Sponsors

UPS and the University of Houston have signed on to be co-sponsors for Energy Day 2012. We are excited about this partnership that is sure to create a great event!

CEA would like to thank all of our partners and sponsors for this event. Please visit the Energy Day website to see all of our sponsors.


Free Scholarship

Already, CEA has awarded 105 students scholarships through the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP), and there are still nine more awards to be won through the Houston Geological Society and Houston Museum of Natural Science Art, Essay and Media contests.

Deadline: October 1, 2012: The HGS/HMNS/CEA Art, Essay & Media Contests

For more information on Energy Day 2012 or the 2012 EDAP events, please contact Kathleen Koehler at KKoehler@beta.consumerenergyalliance.org.


Help spread the word for Energy Day 2012!

Please join our Energy Day Facebook and Twitter (@EnergyDayFest).

CEA has also partnered with NASA’s Third Rock Radio to help spread the word. Listen to hear great music and a few advertisements for Energy Day!


Upcoming Energy Events

2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit
September 10, 2012
IBEW Circuit Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This event will provide a unique opportunity for federal, state and local officials to discuss current energy issues and the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy and U.S. competitiveness.

Many thanks to our sponsors IBEW Local 5, United Steelworkers, US Steel, Dow & Bayer MaterialScience for facilitating this informative and influential summit.

Be sure to register for the 2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit online.


Save the Date

September 27, 2012
Madison, WI
Energy and Manufacturing Summit

More details to follow.