19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Can Energy Policy Keep the U.S. Off the Fiscal Cliff?


CEA Connects Both Sides of the Aisle, Hosts Conf. Call on Tuesday

HOUSTON: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) will examine whether energy policy can keep the American economy from falling off the fiscal cliff during a conference call on Tuesday, November 13 at 9:15 A.M. ET. Former Clinton and Bush administration officials John Northington and Michael Whatley will make their cases on how energy policy could impact the upcoming fiscal debate in the U.S. Congress.

Who: Former Clinton and Bush administration officials John Northington and Michael Whatley

What: Conference call examining impact of energy policy on looming fiscal debate in the U.S. Congress

When: Tuesday, November 13 at 9:15 A.M ET

Where: Members of the media should email rchammond@beta.consumerenergyalliance.org or go to http://bit.ly/FiscalCliffCall to register for the teleconference.

About the Speakers

John Northington is a counsel to Consumer Energy Alliance. He served in the Clinton Administration at the Department of the Interior as Senior Advisor to the Director of the Bureau of Land Management. Mr. Northington also served as Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management with energy policy responsibility for the former Minerals Management Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Mr. Northington began his government service at the Department of Energy, where he served as White House Liaison, Chief of Staff for the Office of Fossil Energy and Senior Advisor for Oil and Natural Gas Policy.

Michael Whatley is the Executive Vice President at the Consumer Energy Alliance. Mr. Whatley served as the Chief of Staff for Senator Elizabeth Dole, Subcommittee Staff Director and Chief Counsel for the Environment and Public Works Committee in the United States Senate, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the United States Department of Energy and Counsel to the Republican Conference Secretary in the United States Senate. He also served as an attorney and Senior Policy Advisor for the Bush-Cheney 2000 Campaign and the Bush-Cheney Transition Team.

Note: Members of the media should email rchammond@beta.consumerenergyalliance.org to gain access to the call.