19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Safety on Demand, LLC


HOUSTON–Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Safety on Demand, LLC as its newest affiliate member. Safety on Demand, LLC has introduced a game-changing mobile app for the oil and gas industry designed to revolutionize the reporting process for safety protocols, processes and procedures for those in the field. SafetyKick™ is the only mobile safety and data collection app of its kind on the market. Simple, efficient and customizable, SafetyKick™ makes the safety reporting process more timely, cost-effective, and useful – contributing to healthier bottom lines.

The mobile app creates safer working environments, resulting in fewer work-related injuries and potentially lower insurance premiums. Additional benefits of the application include: improved project timeliness, increased data accuracy, risk mitigation, cost savings, and resource efficiencies.

“It is really cool to be in a position to save lives and improve workplace safety. We are offering direct communication between field and office workers, thus shortening the work flow process. At its core, the app takes a technology device that we are all carrying around in our back pockets each and every day, and uses it for a highly productive purpose,” said James Ehrlich, President of Safety on Demand. “Safety on Demand is pleased to work with CEA in their efforts to create a balanced energy policy for America and implement smart and safe policies that will help advance discussion and legislation around these important topics,” Ehrlich continued.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is excited to welcome Safety on Demand, LLC and looks forward to working with them on energy and safety issues at the local and national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy. Safety on Demand and SafetyKick™ accomplishes this by pursuing safe practices that will benefit the energy industry and all consumers and producers across the country. CEA looks forward to providing Safety on Demand with credible industry information and learning first-hand the concerns its users have about safety issues.”