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Consumer Energy Alliance

Tug boat operator tells Congress to give a toot about offshore


Testifying before a U.S. House committee reviewing the impact of offshore energy exploration, an executive from Gulf of Mexico based Crosby Tuggs outlined the economic impact:

Cory Kief, Director of Business Development for Crosby Tuggs, which owns and operates 143 tug boats, discussed how the company “employ[s] 673 people consisting of mariners, office staff, support crews, mechanics, welders, sand blasters, painters and roustabouts.” Kief explained the downstream job creation effect of offshore energy production, “As with any industrial company, we buy numerous supplies and services from around the country to support our activities. Similarly, while these rigs are working, they require other services to support their task such as supply vessels, aircraft, and a variety of human resources. The machinery, equipment, parts and materials associated with all these operations come from all over the country, as well as the people.”