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WSJ is asking: Time to expand offshore drilling?


A poll is being taken over at the Wall Street Journal’s Market Beat:  Should the U.S. expand off shore drilling, click through below to cast your vote.

The U.S. is by far the world’s largest consumer of oil. Gasoline prices have been generally high and volatile for the past several years.

Supporters of offshore drilling say that to help meet this demand and reduce reliance on imports, the country will need to increase offshore oil drilling. They say critics understate the benefits of drilling and exaggerate the risk of accidents like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Opponents say there’s no need for expanded offshore drilling because demand for oil has fallen and domestic production is already climbing, thanks to surging shale-oil output on land. The impact of any added offshore oil production on gasoline prices would be scant, they say. Moreover, they add, many states and communities depend on clean-ocean economies.

So, should the federal government allow more offshore oil drilling? Vote and let us know what you think. Your comment may be included in a special report we’ll be publishing in The Wall Street Journal.
