19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA In Fuel Fix: Maximizing Opportunity In U.S. Energy Development


In an op-ed that ran in the Houston Chronicle’s Fuel Fix on Monday, CEA President David Holt wrote about the nation’s energy resurgence and the need for math, science, and technology education to address a shortage of skilled workers.  The Society of Manufacturing Engineers predicts that the number of unfilled jobs in the energy and manufacturing sector could reach 3 million by 2015.  There are programs currently in place that can be emulated to ensure that Americans can benefit from this opportunity.  Expanding STEM education in higher education is part of the equation and capturing a student’s interest in energy and the sciences at a younger age are critical.  CEA is committed to these goals through programs such as Energy Day.  It is imperative that leaders in the energy industry, the nation’s universities and community colleges, and governments at all levels help prepare our citizens for the opportunities ahead.