19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

EPA Announcement Ignites Questions, Concerns


Houston, TX – In response to today’s announcement that the EPA will institute strict limits on carbon emissions for new power plants, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt urged policy makers to prioritize the concerns on energy consumers as the agency moves forward.

David Holt:

“Our nation’s energy consumers face a very uncertain future and are rightfully concerned about how these new rules will affect electricity costs. Every single factory, every business, every home in the United States will bear the consequences if the EPA’s actions limit the ability of our nation’s utilities to supply electricity reliably and affordably.”

“We strongly urge the EPA to work with state regulators, policy makers and affected consumers to ensure that we have the right policies in place to grow our electricity supply to meet our needs. U.S. demand for electricity is projected to rise by 28 percent by 2040. With today’s announcement, it’s clear that we will need new sources of nuclear, natural gas, renewable and advanced coal electricity to power our economy into the future.”

“CEA is the voice of the energy consumer. As such we stand ready to champion the need for affordable electricity at this very uncertain time.”